Jan 18, 2004 14:15
HEY SHIT TALKERS.. this ones for you.
IF you have shit to say. speak it up. dont say shit then block me online? hahah thats incredibly immature. im fucking fed up with all you lame fucks from seminole i swear to god. im so happy i got out of that shit fucking ownded school. and all the low terrible people who attend there. i think i know of 3 people who are wonderful all around people that go there. all the rest of you sluts suck the cock. for people who never give you the time of day? or 13 year olds who start shit, and cant back that shit up. HAHAHA.. and someone who talks shit about me!? because i asked to see if she had a car so we could go out that night.
tell me i talk shit about people. and back it up before you block me. or say it to my fucking face. this shit is old and im so over this shit. so in the end i say.
" fuck all you haters, shit talkers, and fucking losers."
LetterxKILLS: go to hell rana.
oh and hey sara... hey say it to my face, since your "85 pounds" ill let you throw the first punch.
im going to settle everything once and for all.