Dec 31, 2005 11:40
List three things about yourself that people might not know:
1- i need to feel needed, because it assures me i am not worthless and it makes me feel good.
2- I still cry about the past
3- nothing is good enough for me
List three places that you'd like to go:
1- New York
2- New Jersey
3- Italy
List three things that make you happy:
1- movies
2- little messages from my sis, family, friends.
3- sleep
List three people you admire or look up to:
1- Mom & Dad
2- My Oma & Opa/My Grandpa & Nanny
3- My sis and my brothers.
I know it is more than 3. But it is what I put so stfu.
List three flavors or tastes you enjoy:
1- pasta
2- DQ ice cream
3- fruity flavors like strawberries and kiwis.
List three favorite books:
1- Fahrenheit 451
2- Picturing the Wreck
3- A Lesson Before Dying & To Kill A Mockingbird
List three things you wish you had more of:
1- money
2- self confidence
3- patience
List three favorite sounds:
1- rain/thunder storms
2- my nephews and niece playing
3- silence
List three feelings that you enjoy:
1- happiness
2- love
3- freedom
List three things you tend to avoid in life:
1- conflict
2- people... when it suits me well
3- skanks
List three good movies:
1- Closer
2- The Lion King
3- Heat
List three things you tend to put off:
1- feelings
2- personal wellness
3- making my bed
List three things about your personality:
1- sensitive
2- caring
3- when i bottle things up... and then just get pushed to my limit... i blow up... and there is no use in stopping me
List three things that inspire you:
1- my niece and nephews
2- people
3- myself
List three things you should get rid of:
1- friends that really don't give a fuck
2- this mind set that.. i expect too much from people.. when i know they can only give me the bare minimum
3- emotions would be nice.. but i know that wont ever happen
List three things you miss:
1- rosie and sasha
2- being able to write
3- my face being normal.
List three accomplishments:
1- still being able to care about people and give some decent advice
2- being strong when i really just didn't want to be
3- doing things i've done and not regretting them
List three goals:
1- to graduate with a good GPA. 3.8... It's only like 3.5 now. I think.
2- To know which friends I should really try with
3- To do better for myself and my family.