Up then down and repeat. That's the story of my life.
1. I am moved back to Milwaukee now and I don't know how good I feel about being around my parents all the time. Plus I miss living with roommate. (I will never call her by her name again.) And let me tell you I'm really looking forward to when my mom slaps me with a bunch of ridiculous rules because "It doesn't matter how old you are you are living in my house it's my rules." FOREVER.
2. First off, I need a job. Badly. I need to get myself in gear. And secondly, I really fucked up my 2nd semester. I am not proud of myself at all and I downright feel like an idiot for blowing off school the way that I did. I'm paying for this, why would I do that? I just have no motivation, whatsoever. I really need to start re-evaluating some stuff and figure this out before it all blows up in my face.
3. On the brighter side of things I can't wait to spend time with so many people that I have been missing since I've been gone. Seriously. Lets make this a great summer, please. I really need it.
4. Chris is a breath of fresh air. As of early in the AM, we are in a relationship. I don't know if I should like him as much as I do, but I really can't help it. The distance is what is really going to test us but I think we can work through it. Gahh. Whenever I talk to him I get this dumbass looking smile on my face and get all exhilarated. I feel really good about him in general. He treats me the way I deserve to be treated, and he makes me ridiculously happy. Gahhsldfjlkj what a good feeling.
Now that I've posted this that no one will read, it is time for pictures: