Feb 29, 2004 15:11
My parents are out, so I'm updating. I told them last night, and (not surprisingly) they are extremely angry and disappointed in me. They kept on asking, "Why didn't you stop? Why didn't the alarm bells go off in your head?" I'm grounded, needless to say. For an indefinite amount of time. They are cancelling my driver's test appointment, and I won't be getting a car until I'm 18. On top of that, we are meeting with the police and there will be those consequences.
I've talked to some people about it, and it shocks me how they say "You don't deserve it. You didn't do anything wrong." I couldn't have done anything more wrong. I hate myself for this. Putting myself in their shoes...It's just hell. More so for the Nickelsons than for myself, I know.
Thanks again Kristina for coming with me <3 I love you! You did the right thing...
I'm really mad about whoever called last night/this morning. If you want to harass me, fine. But leave my family out of it. Especially my brother, don't fuck with him.