Dec 16, 2007 21:59

Today I was all upset, cause of Erin,
She and Jason are leaving for 10 days starting in two days, i payed my share of the food bill this month, Jason got some grocerys, and erin payed with her food stamps. 
Theres barely no food, Im broke till the 26th, Jason said he was going to buy me food before we leave, but Erin told him not to and to my face said "we don't have the money to support you" I can't believe her, I have only $20 and the only way to stretch that is to go to the dollar store. I thank I can survive but, it would been nicer if she had told me, I know Jason said he would by you food, but we don't have the money. 
Only problem is when they get back, they will have no money and I will, I know they will ask for money, I so want to say. "I don't have the money to support you.

In one of the communitys Im in I go bad comments people saying it was hard to read my post. I proof read it, what is there problem.

Ok one good thing Im excited about in another community BLOODTIESFICS I have a story with two chapters in it, well after two months I got my first review, the person loves it and told me to finish it. I can't believe it. I want to finish it but only prob is the stupid internet, I hsve trouble posting some times. but' im going to try. Im so happy some one liked one of my storys.
LOL I almost sent this to the BLOODTIESFICS
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