So I went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show as a stage production. Now, I'd experienced it before -- sort of -- via film and hanging around with the sort of people who get really into Rocky, but this is like saying that by knowing sailors you understand what a storm at sea is like. Because Rocky is it's own sort of odd wonder, the spawn of a childhood of classic sci-fi and grand, sweeping hedonism. It is essentially a pile of crap, a randomized series of oddities, but it's the lucky pile of crap which got claimed by a generation fond of claiming things. So you get a community built around this twisted mutant of a show, and suddenly it's a community and they're making shirts and it's the biggest in-joke factory in the universe.
And that's a special kind of miracle. Because by virtue of caring for it and playing along, the piece of crap becomes a really good time.
Because it's been a while since I stood atop a cliffside and roared a declaration of nerdity at the universe: It honestly annoys me that
our impending knowledge of gravity isn't bigger news. This is something on the same level as an animal developing another sense, as the creature named Humanity grows another set of antenna with which to feel the waves in reality.
I get a pretty big nerd boner imagining the possibility that The Things Out There left radio well behind and have been yelling "YES HELLO EARTH SHUT THE FUCK UP WE HEAR YOU JEEZ" on the Gravity Band for some decades. Which would have all sorts of fantastic implications for people in all parts of the world, because the sooner the Developed World gets concerned about space monsters, the sooner they'll be too preoccupied to deep-dick themselves and others.
Operation: Paradise City continues apace.