Jul 23, 2004 23:09
GunSlingerDoc83: how disapointing
glendiec: whats disapointing?
GunSlingerDoc83: how you are never on
GunSlingerDoc83: NEVER
glendiec: i am always on
glendiec: and lily says hi
GunSlingerDoc83: tell her poop
GunSlingerDoc83: and hi
GunSlingerDoc83: tell her POOP HI
glendiec: she is laughing
GunSlingerDoc83: good
GunSlingerDoc83: she should laugh
glendiec: she says you are funny
GunSlingerDoc83: life is short but sweet for sure
glendiec: ok
GunSlingerDoc83: how are things in Austin
GunSlingerDoc83: happening i bet?
glendiec: yeah things are kewl here
glendiec: how are things in el paso?
GunSlingerDoc83: they are solid
glendiec: good
GunSlingerDoc83: represent
GunSlingerDoc83: did you know that steven usto be a gangsta
glendiec: i heard that somewhere but i dunno if it's true
GunSlingerDoc83: i was his friend in highschool
GunSlingerDoc83: i would know
glendiec: how can i believe you?
GunSlingerDoc83: i dont know
GunSlingerDoc83: you would just have to belive me
glendiec: alright
glendiec: i can ask him about his gansta days
GunSlingerDoc83: yeah
GunSlingerDoc83: he will just say "i dont want to talk about that"
glendiec: what gang did/does he belong to?
GunSlingerDoc83: he doesnt belong to a GANG
GunSlingerDoc83: just was a poser i guess
glendiec: ah so he wasn't a real gansta
glendiec: just a thug then
GunSlingerDoc83: talked the talk but didnt walk to far
glendiec: haha
GunSlingerDoc83: yes
GunSlingerDoc83: i will sleep in a little while,...
GunSlingerDoc83: im hungry
glendiec: ooookay then go eat then sleep some
GunSlingerDoc83: i iwll fool
GunSlingerDoc83: but in a little while
GunSlingerDoc83: you are crazy
glendiec: so?
glendiec: i know i am crazy
GunSlingerDoc83: really?
GunSlingerDoc83: are you ted bunndy crazy?
glendiec: yes
GunSlingerDoc83: wow
glendiec: maybe
GunSlingerDoc83: eeeh
GunSlingerDoc83: you should put yourself in a mental institute
GunSlingerDoc83: seven harmonicas
glendiec: i don't know the potential of my craziness
GunSlingerDoc83: ah
GunSlingerDoc83: i will prolly not be your friend then
GunSlingerDoc83: if you are as crazy as you say you are
glendiec: okay thats fine with me
GunSlingerDoc83: i have tresures that i would rather they stay alive
GunSlingerDoc83: i will tell steve your killer crazy
GunSlingerDoc83: so he will keep clear too
GunSlingerDoc83: 5 puerto ricans
GunSlingerDoc83: and jewish mohicans
glendiec: what the crap?
glendiec: oh and steve knows i am nuts
glendiec: he's cool with it
GunSlingerDoc83: roothles toothless agents sneak around and there is no one looking 80 degrees and im down on my knees in broolyn
GunSlingerDoc83: do you guys make out?
glendiec: no way jose
GunSlingerDoc83: you should
GunSlingerDoc83: that way you can make loco cholo children
GunSlingerDoc83: =crazy gangsta children
GunSlingerDoc83: i sure am clever
glendiec: no thank you we don't have that kind of friendship
GunSlingerDoc83: but look at the fruits that could come about
GunSlingerDoc83: Crazy gangsta children
GunSlingerDoc83: what more could you ask for?
glendiec: first of all it takes more than making out to make kids
glendiec: and i wouldn't do that stuff with steve
glendiec: he's my friend
glendiec: that would be nuts
GunSlingerDoc83: but you just said your nuts
GunSlingerDoc83: so it would be expected
GunSlingerDoc83: you are such a stiff
GunSlingerDoc83: making out is enough
GunSlingerDoc83: havent you heard
GunSlingerDoc83: its wireless now
glendiec: not really
GunSlingerDoc83: yes really
GunSlingerDoc83: i make myself giggle
glendiec: uh oh i am in deep trouble then
glendiec: giggle like a girl!
GunSlingerDoc83: yes!!!
GunSlingerDoc83: like a girl
GunSlingerDoc83: you will have lots of children
GunSlingerDoc83: when you concive by wireless means it may take a while, like a surprise
glendiec: i don't want any children with steve
GunSlingerDoc83: why not?
GunSlingerDoc83: they will be so smart
GunSlingerDoc83: and they will drink shampee
GunSlingerDoc83: shampoo i mean
GunSlingerDoc83: shampee is a funny word
glendiec: what the heck thats the weirdest thing ever
glendiec: do you know anyone that likes steve?
GunSlingerDoc83: no why?
glendiec: just wondering
GunSlingerDoc83: okay
GunSlingerDoc83: i think we have hit the humor climax of our conversation
GunSlingerDoc83: shampee
GunSlingerDoc83: LOL
glendiec: is shampee like pee shampoo?
GunSlingerDoc83: no like pee that cleans your hair
GunSlingerDoc83: you pee on yourself and it cleans
GunSlingerDoc83: lemon fresh
glendiec: eew
glendiec: is that how you take a bath?
GunSlingerDoc83: no
GunSlingerDoc83: i use a bar of shampoop
glendiec: suree
GunSlingerDoc83: it works better
glendiec: a bar?
GunSlingerDoc83: yes
GunSlingerDoc83: i have molds
glendiec: i have never seen those b4
GunSlingerDoc83: yeah, your strange