Aug 15, 2007 18:09
As stated in my previous entry i am indeed on medical hold. Basically the navy discovered that i have Wolf Parkinsons White Syndrom. Fancy term for i have an extra electrical pathway in my heart that can cause it to speed up. Nothing life threatening but enough for them to make my life a living hell. So what does this all meen for me? Well essentially i have to submit a waver to keep my job. I have been told flat out by many people that i won't get to keep it. So i need to reclassify. Now they also tell me i can't reclassify untill i get a "no" answer on my first job. Well either way im trying to work around it and will soon be pulling some strings to accomplish getting out of THU (temporary hold unit) so i can get my life started and fit a marriage into there somewhere.
speaking of which there are no details on a wedding day mainly b/c i have no idea when im getting out of here. but i promise you all that i will be in touch about that b/c i want you all there!
thats it for now i will discuss much with all of you later
ps people i have no cell phone so if you want to actually speak with me leave me a lock message with your digits!