No, there is too much. Let me sum up...
So I had laser eye surgery this week.
On my left eye. I'd thought it would be on both, but they do one at a time. Since the surgery (for glaucoma, for those just tuning in) is ineffective in about thirty percent of patients, and can have side effects like spiking the pressure inside your eye (the exact opposite of the intended long-term effect), they do just one eye. If it doesn't work, or causes problems, no need to go the extra added expense, risk and trouble of doing the other eye.
My lovely and talented wife and Twoson accompanied me to the eye doctor on Wednesday morning. I saw a technician first, who checked the pressure in my eyes. Then gave me some eye drops and sent me back out to the waiting room for a few minutes.
When I was called back in, they gave me some more numbing eye drops and explained the procedure (again). Then the eye doc put a lens on my eyeball. THAT was fun. And not entirely successful. So they gave me more numbing drops and tried again. This time I was able to tolerate it. It was uncomfortable, but I could manage not to pull away. (It helped that the technician stood behind me with her hand on my head, making sure I held still....)
The eye doc had me focus on a small yellow light to steady my gaze. I could see it with my right eye. My left eye--you know how static looks on a television broadcast channel that's not in use? That's what I saw in my right eye, except it was red. This was accompanied by green flashes as she lasered my eye about 50 times. And that was the surgery.
They had me wait half an hour, then checked my eye pressure again to make sure it hadn't spiked. It hadn't. In fact, it was a couple of points lower than before the surgery. Maybe that was the margin of error. Maybe not. But no spike, so yay! Now I have to back in two weeks to have them test my pressure again and see if it's working. And then again in six or eight weeks after that. If it works, we'll schedule the other eye.
I finally got around to updating my resume in preparation for job hunting. After working in CarrierWatch for a little over a year (four years total at this company), I am SO ready to get out of there. I attended my anniversary luncheon (each month the employees hired in a given month are given a luncheon). The food was good. Everyone identified themselves to the others and told which department they worked in, and what they liked about the job, and any issues or suggestions they had. Most of the people there worked in other departments than the call center. They all love their jobs, and feel like they're treated with respect and allowed to do their jobs without someone peering over their shoulders.
I felt like asking, "I work for [Company Name], where the hell do YOU work?" That is the exact opposite of my experience, and the experience of my coworkers--but I'm told that the culture and atmosphere in the rest of the company is vastly different from the (poorly) micro-managed kindergarten atmosphere of the call center. And for a long while I was able to mostly let it roll off my back.
But since the end of last month, I have no fucks left to give. Those of us in my department, who have our own monthly goals to meet, but who are also expected to take overflow calls for the customer service department throughout the month--including lengthy activation and training calls--failed to meet our goals. But Customer Service met theirs (because EVERYONE is required to pitch in when necessary), so THEY get lots of congratulations and paid time off. While everyone else who helped that happen... get bupkis. And when you complain about it, and ask pointed questions--as I did, because I was righteously pissed off, you get spun, and your team spirit is questioned.
So to hell with them. I'm out of there as soon as I can find something else. That was the last straw, I suppose. I didn't have some eye-opening revelation, I've always known it was like this. But whatever the reason, I'm marking time til I can escape.
I just got home from seeing Crimson Peak with Snippy. It's billed as a horror film, but it's really more of a gothic romance (albeit with a fair amount of horror and gore). But not as much gore as you might think based on the trailers, since a lot of the red stuff getting splashed around isn't actually blood. I was interested in it mostly because Tom Hiddleston (Loki from the Avengers and Thor movies for you philistines who don't know him) was in it.
It was an...interesting movie. Beautifully filmed, of course. And I thought all most of the acting was top notch. But the story (and logic) took a backseat to building atmosphere, which it did very effectively. I wouldn't say it was a completely successful film, but I'm glad to have seen it.
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