Some changes here

Sep 02, 2008 22:48

Since I've decided to post quotes every once in a while, I made some changes on LJ so it'll be easier to find a certain one when needed.

The quotes are now to find in the Link-Section in their respective group (or in the previous posts).

And sheehs, I finally found out how to formate the fonts and stuff. I couldn't use it before, because I've installed NoScript on my browser and it wouldnt let me "open" the Rich-Text thingy.... suddenly it does. Dunno what I did but it obviously works now.. hehe alrighty ^-^ aaand that is also the reason why the lj-cut-thingy didn't work at first (or better said: why the heck I didnt know where the people got this stuff from) ^-^ glad it wasn't me being a doofus.

livejournal, quotes

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