Apr 22, 2008 12:19
Holy Crap! I haven't been here in a veryyy long time... school has been given me a hard time, but now everything is settled. All of that has worn me pretty much out... puhh. But enough of that.
So, what's new? Umm, nothing ^_^ ....oh yeah, I finally got the US-Box of Friends Season 3 - the one with the footage you've never seen. Hehehe, and finally I got rid off that Australian DVD-Set.. there were no extras on. And I loveee extrass ^__^ And I just purchased season 10, for a veryy favorable price, heehehe. Ahh, I just love these fan-moments.
So, now I'm just waiting for a friend to call me.... hmm.. though I'm tired of waiting. I guess I'll lurk around in some forums to kill time.
So, whoever reads this, thanks for doing so. It's always nice to be acknowledged :D