(no subject)

Aug 21, 2008 13:38

i just finished the last day of orientation.  it's pretty cool how foreign exchange students are loved here.  everyone i meet is practically excited to see me. 
the daughter of the lunch lady was in my class earlier today, i'd give her a double C for cute and cool.  she goes up to her mom in the lunch line to make fun of her, it was hilarious when she told me that.  it's too bad i'm not a sophomore this year, she is, i'll be a senior.
there was a fuss about my name though, everyone called me ronald-O and it was fine by me but rachael called me ronald (which was my default nickname) and people shouted at her: its ronald-O, and i shouted: it doesn't matter call me whatever, and she goes: okay ronnie, and they go: i thought it was ronald-O...  i couldn't stop laughing at how stupid the whole incident got.
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