At the request of Liz asking for me to make my life a tad more accessible to you LiveJournal stalkers out there lurking, I am making a post. Feel special.
-I graduated from Full Sail University on June 26th at the Hard Rock Live over in the Universal Citywalk area. Hopefully in a few weeks my mother should be receiving my diploma, and seeing as she is helping me get out of the nice little hole of debt I now have, I cannot whine about her holding onto it for a bit.
-I am leaving in August, the 27th at the very latest, but most likely at some point earlier on. I am moving my things and furniture up to Crestview, FL where my mother owns my grandfather's old home, and then in September I am hoping to move out to near-Dallas, TX, where Austin and his family are. If things go well I will hopefully find a job in audio somewhere over there and will be able to get a place of my own to stay instead of living off of Austin's parents' good graces. The new stadium over there is probably looking for people to help run sound for them, and Austin's mother mentioned they were building a Hard Rock over there, and they would need someone for their audio, surely.
-I am turning twenty (20) on July 13th, this Monday. If nothing else, I will no longer be a teenager. I guess that counts for something. More exciting than a passing year though, is the fact I am getting an iPhone for my birthday from my mother and Aunt Kathleen. Be prepared for the obligatory 'Gimme-Your-Numbers-For-My-New-Phone!' texts. Already know the first app I am getting for it: -My father is dead. His memorial service is tomorrow/later today at 10:30 AM here in Manchester, IA. After fourteen (14) months of battling it out with prostate, pancreatic and, later on, intestinal cancer, he said 'fuck it' (but not in such vulgar terms) and refused to go back to the hospital. I saw him the weekend before he died, when he was so hyped up on morphine that he constantly asked about the 'friend' I had brought with me. I went alone.
-I bought my first pack of cigarettes the day I drove up to Lillian, AL to see him. Several packs later, I smoked the last cigarette of my pack today/yesterday, and am going to attempt to not smoke anymore save the occasional one while drinking.
-I finished the anthology 'The New Space Opera' today while driving with my Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Randy to Manchester, IA from Milwaukee, WI. While I originally bought it just for the Alastair Reynolds story, 'Minla's Flowers', the book has provided me with a whole new slew of authors I wish to devour the material of. For anyone interested in science fiction, the book is definitely worth its price.
-I am still single.