Eames fanart

Jul 09, 2011 10:28

This one is absolutely SFW:)
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eames, drawing

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sin_repent July 9 2011, 02:00:21 UTC
Thank you very much!!! I'm kind of proud of this one:) Usually it's hard for me draw background details and stuff like that, and in colour, so yeah! It's not rated, and thus(?) pretty printable:)
Thank you for adding, btw!


dumbimps July 9 2011, 02:01:43 UTC
Oh my god, LOOK AT THAT HAND and his expression and -- he's mid-forge, right, that's just. THAT IS SO COOL howefklsdhgkfj but oh nooo the projections in the mirror, STAY SAFE, EAMES ;_______;


sin_repent July 9 2011, 02:27:07 UTC
Thank you!!! I partly redraw/ed his face from that scene, where he is in FischerMorrow office as lawyer:) AND YEAH mid-forge. Just didn't know how to phrase it:) my english sucks:) And creepy projections:) I'm not sure what's happening there myself, but you right, something really bad is going to happen:)
Thank you again, dear, your words are always make me happy!!!!!


rascalthemutant July 9 2011, 02:03:21 UTC
Hi, I come via a Tumblr link and just had to say that your work is amazing. The face is so realistic and it's really rare to see that. I love all the people in the mirror behind him. Such a really great touch for Eames.


sin_repent July 9 2011, 02:37:29 UTC
Hiii:) Thank you very-very much!!! I'm really glad that you liked this one:) And kind of realistic faces probably reason why I quietly post it on my journal only:)
And I really love Eames ability to forge - it gives his character so much!


croik July 9 2011, 02:27:10 UTC
Wow, they're lovely! I can't decide which version I like more. The B&W is so striking, but the color is really catching, especially on his suit. Love the wrinkles, and the people in the background... so menacing! It definitely conveys "mystery."

I'd love to see more like it <3


sin_repent July 9 2011, 02:54:51 UTC
Thank you so much!!! I think b&w looks more ominous(?) but suit colour changing is not really visible like that:) i'm happy you liked both!!!
And damn rl:-( I really wish I had free time to draw them all like that. Cobb and Shade-Mal, and Ariadne with maze models filled with tiny projections IDK SOMETHING CREEPY but I have no time and it's really depressing:-(
Thank you again<333


croik July 9 2011, 03:06:50 UTC
Awww, I would donate some of my free time to you if I could! I'm just using it to cruise tumblr right now, lol. I'd love to see your Cobb. Or Fischer! *_* With those lovely eyes and ~cheekbones~


sin_repent July 9 2011, 03:18:46 UTC
Aww thank you!!! I'd take it all, i'm just spending my nerves on this shitty job instead of drawing and reading:-(
And yeah, Fischer is so pretty:)


epithalamium July 9 2011, 02:43:47 UTC
Oh my! We don't see you working with colours a lot, and I was literally bowled over by the second one. I can't say which one I like better, though. Honestly, I can stare at both for hours just so I can take all the details in: his wallet chain, the patterns of his tie, the swirl of cigarette smoke. This is dark and hot, as with all of your work. So much love for this! <3


sin_repent July 9 2011, 03:13:44 UTC
Thank you so much<33333 i'm really not into colouring, it's really hard for me! Black and white is somehow simplier, and plus whenever I draw something NSFW it looks more distant(?) without colours. Funny thing that I spent so much time thinking how to draw this poker chip, I couldn't find a good screenshot of it. I'm not even sure it's his totem even:)
Thank you very much again and again<333333333


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