Feb 27, 2005 20:04
So this week coming up is going to kick my ass literally. Monday I have a major nursing test, not to mention, I havent even thought about my Career Paper yet *well I did, but I didnt get past the first interview question which was " Why do you want to be a nurse." how many papers are going to start with the same old shit...I want to help people, thats why I want to be a nurse." My paper....hmm not even going to have that, as much as i like helping people, thats not the reason I want to be a nurse. Seriously, my reason is stupid..cuz nursing has the highest job possibility ever. tell me thats not a gay reason. tell me! Damn, is that why i am really in nursing? Yea, i guess it is...no wait! there is one more reason, and I guess its a good one. My degree in nursing places me in the good ole state of Texas, in the greater Coppers Cove and Killeen area, in a little place That is labeled in big bright letter "FORT HOOD". Yes thats right, that was the reason I got into nursing. Fort Hood Memorial Hospital. A lil piece of heaven. I am guaranteed a job there, why?? by ways of cheating of course. My grandfather is a general. and he's still got authority there, so yes, I am working my elbow in there by ways of status. Hey its a dog eat hotdog world, and the only way to get what you want it so know people, or be related to them. But i cant put that on my career paper, and this is the paper that is going to choose me from all the other nursing colleges for top spot on the board. so either way I am screwed; I dont want to be on the board, I want to get out of college fast, but without being on the board, I wont get to be exectuive assistant and then that means, summer job...yea. oh the fuck well. I just have to see what the hell I am going to do. Anyways, Tuesday, I have a history essay due. Whoopie! Wednesday, welcome to the world of biology and art history test days. no thrill there. I am taking my monday and tuesdays nites out of the race to study for those tests. and then thursday, history test. ahh!! and then friday, I can breathe...breathe big! cuz friday adn saturday, im going to baton rouge to a party/club dinner/PIK/ thing with Chris. Yeah! i think the only good thing about this week is seeing Ret on tuesday and thursday. I didnt see him much thursday cuz he wasnt aroudn for lunch, so i was bummed. well i hope everyone elses week goes a smidge better than mine. luh yuh all!