Mar 02, 2008 12:27
I think it's happening
I'm slowly becoming who I want to be.
It took sixteen years of angst and supercilious bullshit.
But I'm merging.
It's like, there have always been two Tylers.
One docile, kid, the good student, the lowly submissive kid who keeps his place and doesn't tempt fate and whatnot.
And then the other Tyler, the one who slacks off and talks out of line, who question's authority and is quite dominant in most situations.
It's like a Hulk situation, or a Fight Club thing.
I still find it funny his name is Tyler.
I'm slowly becoming the better me.
A balance in between that leads me to roll with the blows.
I'm officially the king of handling situations.
I'm convinced that after these past couple weeks, nothing will ever defeat me.
If I can over come this, I'll be complete, I can feel the break around the bend and I and running full speed into tomorrow.
and hopefully she'll be there.
I've realized why I love her, truly have.
She's the only person, in this little world, who's always been there for me and been completely honest.
She doesn't sugarcoat anything just because I'm a reack or feeling down, and some people may call that bitchy, but I call that clarity.
She is what I want in life.
I'm not sure how I'm going to get there yet, but I want to end up with her.
Somehow, someday.
And I'm almost positive she feels the same.
Two weeks seems like forever.
It's only fourteen days.
in those few days, I'm going to be stronger than I'd ever been.
I'm going to be a man.
I never viewed myself as an actual person.
Never thought myself physically or emotionally strong.
But now,
I'm a fucking force of nature.