Oct 23, 2006 13:01
hmmm...an interesting couple weeks i've had. the week before last i went to aix-en-provence in the south of france. the film festival sent me and my programme producer to attend this music video festival. it was quite small and held in a casino but it was a lot of fun. for such a small organised event they have a fair bit of cash. there was always free drinks and on the third night they had this pretty nice gala dinner (i ate foie gras! sorry veggie friends but this is something i've wanted to try for a long time now- and it was good! not something you want to to eat often, kind of tastes like butter, but yummy nonetheless. a frenchman instructed me to eat it with this delicious french marmalade.) the events were not bad either. they had an english translator on hand for all the public forums including the dinner. it was soo cool. she would sit somewherein the auditorium translating what the people on stage were saying and we would wear these little headsets. you would not believe how fast she was! at first a few of us thought that the events were scripted because she was that insanely fast and good. plus she was like the sweetest woman ever. she does translating at cannes and the toronto film fest. has lived in montpelier in france for the last 10 years but is a chelsea, london girl. very sweet, loved her. one of the highlights was the directors retrospective with dawn shadforth. she has done some amazing videos including the latest one for the streets Prangin on). as my colleague had met her previously, i got introduced and we all hung out and went to some wank french club til the wee hours of the night, she was really cool and i am so impressed with how much she has accomplished.
came back last monday and the next morning i woke up with a swollen, red and painful right under eye! i know i have a tendency to develop weird infections (see both armpits, left ring finger) so i was pretty worried. i went to the doc that very morning and she thought it was shingles. i was not really familiar with what that was, only that it sounded gross, like rickets or scabies. but it turns out its not something you get from bad hygiene practice- its someting that comes from having chicken pox that comes and bites you on the ass years later). anyway she put me on this medicine but a day later it was worse so i went back. she gave me antibiotics because she then thought maybe instead it was a bacterial infection (i guess these things are hard to pinpoint exactly). over the next several days it seemed to slowly get better and on friday she was confident that by today i would be almost back to normal (although i couldnt go to work. besides looking like a hideous monster, if it was hinlges its not a good idea to be around people who have not had the chicken pox or who are pregnant). then on friday evening i noticed a little patch near my RIGHT eye and then above my eyebrow! iwas not happy! it got worse, spreading acorss my eyebrow too. i was back to feeling pretty hopeless (not to mention suffering from major cabin fever!). anyways i woke up today to find it improvinging so i figured it can't be that bad. my doc agreed. she said it must bne an infection because they can spread easily ( i will one day learn not to touch my face every minute). so while i still look a bit fug, its nothing a little concealer can't help. plus by the end of the week things should be looking a lot better. i will be happy. i'm on 13 pills a day plus a cream 2xs a day. yeah, fun.