► Oh my god you can
cite blogs now!
► Friday Alix's birthday at Oatley with chocolate, pizza, chocolate pizza, and booze.
► Saturday fishing with David, Coop and Ben in Bundeena. Got nippers first for bait. That was fun. It was a bit cold in the end. And wet.
► New music!
► Saturday night went to Coop's for booze and nintendo and the plethora of media files on Coop's computer. I was thinking of going to
Magic Night but I got the notice a little too late...
► Dixons.
► Ben's.
► Coop's. Saw Tristan for a total of three minutes.
► Sylvania. Memories. Maccas and bowling with Edith and Johnny and his family and Eddy. I prefer wii bowling. I win more.
► Meridian pool where I still suck.
► La Perouse had nice sand but cold. I want to go back to Hyams.
► Little Italy.
► This is such a lazy post...