Sep 16, 2011 20:59
Wrote this while I waited for my Anatomy class to start. I was really bored, but I didn't want to work on the story I currently writing, so instead, I wrote short little things that came to me. Based on the first sentence or thought that came to my mind. Enjoy.
"Why is today so fucking boring?" he asks, pulling at his hair in frustruation.
"Why don't you just find a way to entertain yourself?" his friend inquires, amused by his childish behaviour.
"Pfft! Me find a way to entertain me-self? That's your job. Now dance, monkey. Dance!" he exclaimed pointing his index finger at her.
She laughs as she swats his hand away. "Idiot," she says playfully.
"Jerk," he reciprocates.
"Ah, young love," the third in their group sighs out in mock sentimentality.
They both smack him upside the head playfully.
"Ow, you sluts," he mutters as he rubs his head.
The other two laugh.
A blue Aura surround him. He doesn't know what's happening. He feels his body tingle all over, as if electricity were coursing through it.
"What's going on?" he asks the old man.
"You have been chosen, young on," the old man responds simply.
"What the hell does that mean?!" he asks in a panic when he sees the blue aura around him shine more intensely, thin tingling in his body turning into a buzz.
"You are the keeper, child. The Keeper of the old Magiks," the old man says as he raises his right hand before him.
"Kaleb Rios, take care of the Magiks and use them wisely." The old man disappears, along with the blue aura.
The buzz in his body remains.
"What am I doing here?" he asked himself out-loud.
"Beats me," the boy sitting next to him answered, "I really don't know why anyone would willingly torture themselves with this class."
He looked at the boy for a second and then asked, "How do you know I'm not required to take this course?"
"You're carrying around that thing-a-ma-jig all those Art Majors carry around," the boy said, pointing at the portfolio case sitting next to his feet. "This is a Calculus class. You're definitely not required to take it."
Speechless and a tad embarrassed, he turned his attention back to the Professor and his monotonously boring lecture.