So, this is my first shot at sharing a legacy! I’ve had one going in my game for a while, just for practice, but I wanted to share, so I started a new one!
This is our founder, Kaia (rhymes with “Hiya,” “try a” and “buy a,” as in “Try a ham sandwich, buy a whole bunch!”) Millay.
She’s a laid-back Family sim, with the Lifetime Want of having six grandchildren. Clearly, this is keen planning on her part: she could have just one kid, and then force *her* to have all the babies!
She’s an Aquarius (so am I!), with 5 neat points, 5 outgoing, 4 lazy, 6 playful, and 5 nice. Her turn-ons are blond hair and facial hair, and her turn-off is stink. This will turn out to somewhat ironic…
Like a good Family sim, she immediately rolls the want to gain a cooking skill point.
“What? You cook Pop-Tarts in a roasting pan? But you don’t walk away from the oven? I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED!”
“WTF? What is this crap?” I guess one must forgive her. I mean, she’s literally never seen rain before…
Turns out she likes it!
This beeyotch from the Garden Club shows up, and is immediately all, “Hug?”
“Like, what were you even thinking?”
Uh, Kaia, you have your own set.
So the Garden Club girl pokes her! Don’t worry Kaia, she’s just jealous of your superior headband.
Kaia: “Bring it!”
Garden Club Beeyotch: “Psh! Girl, it’s already been BROUGHTEN!”
Kaia, you’re fighting a losing battle here.
(Side note: the purple-clad teenage girl is the Welcome Wagon. The SOLE MEMBER of the Welcome Wagon. I guess Sedona just isn’t the friendly town the brochures promised it would be…)
So, to make a long story short, the Garden Club Beeyotch pokes Kaia some more, and then gets furious when Kaia cries about it. But finally our girl works up the brains to say, “Beeyotch, get off my property!” Next time she might make it to, “Respect my authori-tay!”
The first meal of the legacy and it is NOT FLAMMABLE!
Second meal of the legacy…
Well, almost.
So pigtail cowgirl here calls and asks Kaia to go downtown. “Well, I totally have never met you in my life, and Mom always told me never to trust strangers, but seeing as I’m a little bit dumb I will definitely go with you. You might have boys.” They head for the Gothy dance club.
So, who went on this outing? Here we have balding guy, who left immediately. Smart. Too smart for this legacy, I see.
These two fine ladies (the one on the left is a teenager, the one on the right has already stolen bald guy’s shirt…)
Pigtail Cowgirl…
This guy…
And this child, whom they kidnapped from a Wal-Mart on the way over. Code Adam, Code Adam.
Also note the INTENSE DRIVING POSE of taxi-man.
“I am MAD FLY at kissin. ‘Choo don’t even know!”
“I also have wonderful taste in shoes!”
“Unlike you.”
“Don’t you insult my shoes! These are the shoes that 98.4543292% of the males in this town are wearing for no apparent reason!” ::huffy stomp-off with extra noise due to boots::
“It is insanity to love this man. And yet I do.”
You don’t like hats? You’re wearing a cowboy shirt and boots. Hats really, really, really go with that outfit.
Jihoon the no-fashion-sense cowboy was a little iffy genetically, so I sent Kaia over to hit on this hot bartender.
“Your beauty is like a golden sun, from which I must shield my eyes…”
“Ouch. That line was painfully bad.”
Aww, fugly cowperson love.
“I’d like to Crumple her bottom!”
We know, dear. We know.
Smart girls.
“You’re wonderful!”
“Uh, do you see the funk fog coming off of me? Am I, like, reminding you of the cows back home or something?”
Way to make it better, Cowgirl.
“I learned this move from some Beeyotch!”
And Kaia relaxes at the end of a long first Sim day…
Sorry I took so many pictures! I’ve played through a few more days, and they’ll go a little faster, I promise. So, does Kaia find love with fashion-dysfunctional Jihoon? Is the Cowgirl secretly crushing on her? Will Sedona offer up some examples of true hospitality, in the form of hot men? Only time will tell! Or I will. Maybe tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
Oh, and P.S. - Can anyone recommend a good ceiling? I know there are ceiling tiles that you can place individually, but I haven’t tried them. Are there any good ones? Is there any other way to make the sky not shine through the roof? Thank you!