Welcome to Tinsel Town, 3.05

Mar 23, 2010 17:16

They arrive at the campgrounds and the first thing Alex does is torment his sister.

Dim: Oh, you will pay.

Alex: Lulz! You should totes see your face!

And they immediately get sent on a logging tour. While I may have my favourite for heir already, it's not 100% as yet, so the Orange gen kids are both going to try to get as many holiday memories as possible (as per the rules - one sim must have all 45 vacation memories!) until I decide.

And we're off to a rolicking good start.

The locals here aren't as friendly as what the brochure said they'd be.

This continues for hours.

And what do J and Edward immediately do?



Dim: Just so you know, you're not going to make it out of here alive. I hear that Bigfoot will eat you if your name starts with "A" and ends in "lex".

Alex: Yeah?! Well I heard he'll eat you if your name rhymes with "Dim".

Dim: Since that is my name, you hippopotamic land mass, and doesn't just rhyme with it, I think I'm safe. You, however, might as well be wearing a sign saying "EAT ME I TASTE GREAT". You might want to sleep with one eye open.


This is Pong King. He does this a lot. And he cracks me up so much. Mostly because of the adventures I had with him in my Trouser legacy (which I will get back to one day, because the kids are getting cuter and I love Hilary). But that was in a different neighbourhood, so the the kid that I'd accidentally made a man isn't the same as this one. Though they do look an awful lot a like, I admit.

Since the kids were too young to hurl axes about, they got to go fishing.

And they both did REALLY well. Neither one of them caught a single boot, and those fish were caught within minutes of casting. Colour me impressed!

J: Hon? Do you want to play some ball? Maybe throw some axes around?
Edward: No, I'm eating.
J: C'mon hon, we're on vacation!
Pong: It's like Cupid has shot an arrow right through my heart. Love...love has blossomed. I never knew how beautiful life could be until now. I burn, I pine, I yearn.

Pong: Excuse me, my lovely lady, I couldn't help but be amazed and awed by your beauty. Your presence turns the beauty of the mountains into a living heaven. Truly, you have swept me off my feet.


Pong: Hey, buddy? I'll be happy to escort this exquisite example of womanhood around if you like. I know all the hot spots.

Pong: I am not a man of violence, so I will bid you adieu. Forever, I am your humble servant.
J: O...kay...

I really don't think it's a good idea to be checking out Edward when you're standing in J's line of fire. Especially if she's wielding an axe.

Would YOU want to cross her?

God damn I love her eyebrows.

And she's a damn good shot! That's her first go at it. BAM.

In an effort to make it up to her, the townie with a death wish (I think her name was Tiffany), started beating on her chest.

J: Say what now?
Tiffany: *pounds chest again*

J: No, I really don't get it.
Tiffany's armpits: *start to leek noxious gas*
J: *starts to splutter and choke*

J: OH I GET IT *pounds boobies*
Tiffany: That's it! YEAH.

J: Now get the fuck out of here before I brain you with a hammer.

She really had a death wish, because she stood in front of the target AGAIN, this time for that angry teen townie who had shit aim.

But I suppose that maybe it wasn't too risky, given she could only throw backwards.

And yes, that is Pong hitting on J again. Well, he's telling her how much he appreciates her, but for him, it all amounts to the same thing.


No! Don't throw her in the lake! We like her!

Edward: Some afternoon delight sounds good about now...where is he going??
Pong: Oh my lady, where have you gone?

Edward: Dude, that's my tent, what are you doing?
Pong: My love? Are you here? No? Just your underwear? *yoink*

Pong: I'll be back...just you wait.

Edward and J: *get it on*
Pong: Noo! You betrayed me! *runs off crying*

Round 412 or something.

J: You know, if there's one thing that this vacation has shown me, it's that I really am hot stuff.

Mmm. Marshmallows.

The Return of the Pong.

Off on their first visit to another of the mountain lots, Dim finds a big hunk of wood fascinating (much like her mother), and Edwood, I mean, Edward tries to teach Alex how to fly.

J tried to teach the kids the chest pound, but...

They didn't get it.

Edward didn't either.

But she's definitely doing it right, because Tiffany likes it.

But Tiffany also tried to reach into Edward's chest to rip out his heart, only to find he doesn't have one.

I'm starting to think that she's on Pong's payroll.

She just gets better.

Dancing in the men's room. That's not weird at all. BUT it was autonomous, so they get points. I get the feeling that Alex initiated though.

And while that's happening, THIS townie decides to start picking on J.

And she made J cry!

So I made J go git her. No one makes J cry but me!

J: Me? Do I have to? I'm just really too nice for this. My anger is just for show. It's just a front. It's just my eyebrows!

But we couldn't beat her up properly, because she's just a teen. Damn, what it is with angry teens up here?

lol okay.

Dare I say it? Things got a little...steamy.

It's okay, the kids were soaking in the hot springs while some creepy townies loitered nearby.

Edward and Alex fail at log rolling even by themselves.

In the end, everyone won one, lost one. Yay!

In an effort to show how she's capable of taking over the world, Dim encouraged this townie to beat up the guy in blue at the back. All because the townies wouldn't do the damn slapdance!

Other guy, you're standing a bit too close.


I was trying to get J to come out so they could all go home, but I found she was stuck.

Really stuck.

Onto bigger and better things!

Dim couldn't help but show off (autonomously) while waiting for the shuttle to take them to the fancy hotel.

Showing off works!

For how expensive this place is, you'll be surprised with the low standards.

For one, meals are served in the bathroom.

They didn't have any family suites, so the kids got a room next door.

I love how the werewolves carry plates...through their thighs.

While the kids sleep, the parents go digging to find some secret maps. They found a shitload of stuff before finally finding all three - the Hidden Burrow was found last, of course.

They also found several of these.

Dim is suitably creeped out by the maid wearing a fireman's hat.

This is the only time any cleaning gets done by staff.

Hey there bb, looking good.

These two take pillow fighting to a whole new, previously physically impossible level.

They find a way to pass the time while waiting for their parents to finish shagging.

Then it's for another tour!

Damn you Yogi! where was Boo Boo to talk sense into you?

SO. HUNGRY. *plusplus*

Alex: Please daddy please feed me I'll be good!

While waiting for lunch to arrive, Dim attempts to levitate.

Alex: What is this? It looks like something you throw up in the toilet!

...those are not the pork chops I ordered. They are the really weird looking chicken tacos.

He stands nearby, just in case.

Time for another tour!

Well damn.

The lazy staff haven't bothered to clean anything up. GRR. The tub is filthy, too. So I cheated and moved all the dishes down here to see if that would get their attention.

It didn't.

Yet it still doesn't get their rooms cleaned.

Alderic Bigfoot: I'm sure glad I had the chance to study abroad before moving back to my cabin. I think maybe I'd like to settle down, meet a lady Bigfoot, and make some baby 'feet. I sure would like to hear the pitter patter of little Bigfeet.

The hunt is ON.

He gets the first catch, but theirs are better.

So, they get to hanging out...well, some of them. Others find better things to do than sit around a fire.

And then it crashed. GRR. I suspect foul play by one Alderic Bigfoot, who did not enjoy his solitude being interrupted.

So I restarted it and sent them back.

No, you are not going to find love with these people.

Edward: Son, if I died, would you try to save me from the icy hands of Death?
Alex: You're my best friend, dad - of course I would!
Edward: *sniff* You make me proud, son.
Alex: So can I be heir?
Edward: We'll see, son. We'll see.

Alex: Do be do be dee...I'm just the fifth wheel, singing to me...

Edward: I have a very bad feeling about letting my daughter become too friendly with hairy man-beasts.


It turns out that Dim is quite good at catching bugs and beetles. She caught 3 or 4 of them there!

And then when they come home...they find that Alderic has beaten them there!

I don't know how long they live for, but he's got fully maxed skills and a whole set of gold badges. That must have been some study abroad trip! I would so have loved to seen him in action doing makeovers. *sigh*

Anyway, this is all the fish they caught.

And this is what the house looked like when they came home. ~*MAGIC*~

The tree is still burning. I'm thinking I might have to delete it. It's been going for a while now.

A quick tour of the house shows J and Edward's room top left, with Alex and Dim's below. The nursery and bathroom are to the right of the parent's room. The tub and J's bed are both on stages. There's an exercise room in the top right corner, an office (which had two desks for homework added in, and that couch taken out later), and a guest room/room for Alderic. Lounge/study area in the middle, veranda out the front.

Downstairs has a double garage, kitchen/dining up the back, with a creativity skills room/bar. Under that is the lounge room, below that the bathroom (with another raised tub). At the front is the foyer/stairs, and between that and the kitchen is the Memories Hall, an idea I stole from eleme's yarnsims house. It has the portraits and hobby plaques in there.

I'm looking forward to being able to decorate without using black, I tell ya.

Up behind the greenhouse is a newly fenced in graveyard. The plan is to use colour coded flowers in front of the headstones for each generation. We'll see how that goes!

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welcome to tinsel town

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