Big Brother, day 9

Jun 08, 2006 21:05

Day 9 dawned bright and early (or so it seemed). Honey decided to be the one with balls and fix the leaky shower. In her pyjamas.

After breakfast, the HMs were called to the lounge, where they were told to each put on one of the gorilla suits that Principessa would bring out of the diary room for them. They all had a laugh at each other, because they did look quite silly.

BB then called Principessa, Hubert and Elizabeth to the Diary room for instructions.

BB told them that today was Monkey Magic day, and to earn the magic, they had to be the monkey. Hubert thought the suits were great, as pink was his favourite colour. Elizabeth didn't really get it. Principessa was all for anything that brought them closer as a group, and that would look good on television. Elizabeth felt like King Kong.

On leaving the Diary Room, the other HMs followed the three outside.

As per usual, as soon as Contessa and Honey stood up, the rest of the group checked them out.

Quincy was told to make the beds and clean the bathroom, before he could join the rest of the HMs outside.

The HMs quickly saw their task - poker! They were to make their 'magic' by a poker tournament. The money they 'won' would be donated to the charity of their choice.

Some HMs, like Elizabeth, were poker whizzes, and really cleaned up.

Others, not so, and preferred the chance to just sit about and chat. The eventual winners (Elizabeth, Lily, Dolores and Principessa) definitely cleared the tables.

BB called Severus and Elizabeth to the Diary Room to give them a grilling about their relationship. Were they really serious about their engagement? Did they see a future with each other outside the house? How much were they willing to commit?

Both said they were very serious, yes they did, and totally. BB told them to dress in their best, and supplied Elizabeth with some make up and accessories.

The rest of the HMs - now the Monkeying around had finished -were told to get dressed in their formal wear and wait out in the bar area.

Dewie was a bit slow to get changed, because he was too busy kissing his way up Contessa's arms, and catching her as she swooned.

After they'd had a few drinks, BB called them all to sit down.

Elizabeth changed into her pretty wear, only after she'd given herself a new hairdo and fancier make up.

Severus found her utterly enchanting.

BB suggested a more traditional dress, which Elizabeth quickly agreed to, and changed into, before returning to the "chapel" outside. (stupid hack allowing them to wear their own formal wear didn't work!! grr!)

Sev still thought she was beautiful.

The HMs were then treated to the magic - the wedding of Severus Snape to Elizabeth Charles.

Presenting Mr and Mrs Snape!

These HMs are just weird. They're guests at a wedding on national TV, and all they can think about - including the bride and groom - is Contessa and Honey. Except Contessa, who's talking about skiing. What have those two girls got??

Aww, ain't love grand?

Principessa got the toasts started, to the newlyweds, but everyone thought of Sev, not Elizabeth.

Though the newlyweds kissing made everyone swoon over Honey. *sigh*

Who was fast asleep on one of the benches.

Some gratuitous kissing and cake cutting shots. I like Sev and Elizabeth, shut up! :)

Everyone sat down for some dinner from the buffet BB had provided. The newlyweds did the mingling thing, and sat with other people. Sam may have been having second thoughts, because he hasn't once thought about Dolores, just Contessa and Honey, and despite being a family sim, none of his wants have rolled up 'get married', though it's a constant for his fiance.

With their bridal waltz completed, BB invited them to take some wedding photos in the Photo Booth.

Quincy heard some non photo type noises coming from the booth, and came over to cheer them on.

It was the only privacy they were gonna get tonight!

Awww such pretty pictures!

Due to the special event of the wedding, BB delayed the eviction by one day - but hadn't yet announced to the HMs that it would be a double eviction. The housemates all snuggled down happily in their beds that night (apart from Quincy, who no one liked that much), all too comfortable in how events had so far played out.

You still have time to vote!

Vote for the two you want out!

big brother

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