Pinkington Palace 4.01

Nov 24, 2010 14:45

There's lots of heartbreak following Dale's death.

But not for everyone. Remember how Crissy didn't seem to care that Dale had died? Not even getting the heartbroken moodlet? Yeah, well I found out why. I'd gone to check on Violet, and got her all set up with...shit. Amir Cooper. Moved him in, got her knocked up. Just the usual stuff you do with spares.

I had been gone from the main house for LESS than 12 hours. TWELVE.

And I found THIS.

She's moved on already!! WTF woman?? And you don't even know any of his traits or what he does for a living!

AND it's catching.

Es snuck out and found herself a MUCH younger man. She met him at whichever club he was working out and decided she wanted to keep him, I guess.

Ramon quickly went from consoling Lavender,

to flirting with her. Nice.

But he didn't want to put out.

It's very creepy that you get out of bed to think about Lilac, Ramon.

Eventually they got it going on. I still find it amusing their charisma skill goes up when they do this.

They did it without us.

Es does this a lot. She cares way more than Crissy does.

And Crissy then interrupts Esmerelda's mourning by getting old.

Yes, Es is THAT old.

Ramon is very aware of Crissy's aging, even though he'd just been doing her daughter.

I don't know about you, but this is really freaking bizarre. Es is about 110 days old here. She's really, really old.

Crissy looks pretty good, though.

Lupine likes to hang out here at night. She does it a lot.

Ages ago I made a Robert Pattinson sim for the lulz, and when I was populating my town I found him and stuck him in. He really doesn't look much like the real RPattz, which just makes it funnier. ANYWAY, Violet has taken up stealing, and ripped him off.

Well, it made me laugh.

Hi Dale!

Oh, burn.

Oh yes, it's the Leo Strut. They finally did it.

It doesn't look that bad, right? It's what sims do after they have sex some place that's not their home.

It still doesn't look so bad, though Violet is lying in bed thinking of her dead dad right after sex (and she also cried about him a lot right before they did it, too).

THIS is what makes it bad. I didn't even realise Lupine was home, let alone sitting on the floor by the bed as Lavender and Ramon got it on! All the bedrooms (apart from Crissy's) have a table, just for homework. Plus there's the dining table. Why on earth did she choose to sit THERE to do it??

Lupine: I better stock up on the brain bleach.

You guys are very, very weird.

Lavender: Now we're engaged, can the sex not be utter rubbish? Thanks.

This magic gnome likes to move around a lot.

Please don't be checking out Esmerelda's rack, Ramon.

And then Heliotrope grew up!

GUYS, it's okay to WAIT and take your turn to get outside.


Haha, she fell off.

Lavender: Oh, life is so hard!

Yes, puking from "unknown causes" will do that.

And then it was...dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn

Wedding time! Please note how she sparkles. She has the "eye candy" rewards thing, which means others like being around her, and she SPARKLES.

They were very classy and took the subway to the wedding site.

RPattz turned up and then immediately ran off. Must've sensed Twihards in the bushes.

I really miss the wedding arch.

As you can see, the guests are really focused on the event.

OOoo paparazzi! But she didn't take photos :(

And her boots didn't fit. Those boots don't like fat sims.


~pretty~ sunset wedding.

Eventually, people started paying attention.

The paparazzi was the only one to clap.

Violet turned up late and just sobbed about Dale the whole time.

That guy there on the left, throwing confetti? Yeah, he did that for the whole time. He was stuck there, so he just kept throwing confetti over and over, even after everyone else had gone. I had to cheat to get him out.

Fancy wedding foods!

I thought having the happy couple woohoo in the hot tub would be a good way to get the party going, but it broke, so Crissy was sent to repair it.


This is when I realised that Crissy was still part of the group outing. Whoops!


Heli, just WHAT were you wishing for??

As tragic as it was, her death was quite pretty.


Lavender: This was not the wedding of my dreams.

Aw, bless her. Playing a song for her daughter.

See? He's still doing it, even after Crissy died.

Ramon: I have such pretty feet. So dainty, pretty pretty feet. I love my feet.
Lavender: You know, I'm trying to put out here.

Everyone either left or hid out in the toilets. Apparently they don't ignore other sims during public woohoo any more.

Lavender: Shut up and finish the job.

What a night.

Those are Ramon's stats. You know, in case you were wondering.

She got up to wail and pop.


He wanted to read a pregnancy book :D

Oshit. close call!

YUP you're knocked up. And she changed into that outfit automatically too. I didn't realise that would happen, but yay.

This family is all sorts of messed up. I don't even know where to begin.


They had a few drinks for Crissy.

I like how he brought his drink in with him.

I wish my clothes came out of the dryer neatly folded.

See this? It's in the Bridgeport cemetery.

I sent Lilac in to explore. And yes, I did put a subway in the cemetery.

Way down the bottom is a bar, with a coffin (I added more), a stereo, some couches and a bathroom. Not much was going on.

But Lilac got her under age drink in. I don't know why she can and Heli couldn't, but she's not arguing.

Hi Crissy!

RPattz married some girl, and then later divorced. Hah.

Uh oh, Heli might be onto me. He's discussing conspiracies about his mother's death?

Pregnant waddled + sparkles!

Woo! Gen five!

He's a spare's baby, but that's okay.

Heli found Howard to spar with at the park. And that chick to his right? She married RPattz, but I don't remember her name.

It still doesn't look right.

You three are far too close.

They went out for a drink. They were, of course, the only ones there.

Lilac doesn't quite understand what goes on at a club. You can't really blame her, given that there's no one else there.

Meanwhile, back at home...

Lavender drives herself to the hospital while Ramon just wants to get drunk.

A girl!

Ramon: Now we've had a baby, can we go back to rubbish sex?

Oh, when did this happen??

Garland was their beret wearing maid. I guess he's moving on up!

Oooo a party!

!! So soon!

Lilac: So if I pool my allowance and the money from my job and only have two drinks, I should be able to have enough to bribe her to let me in...

The bouncer's angry eyes and flower in her hair seem somewhat at odds.

Ramon did some moonlighting at the bar.

Violet made the dress code swimwear, though they were staying in her apartment. This is a very HERP DERP moment for her as she realised she doesn't have a pool.


Violet: Damn, that really is a nice ring. KACHING.

Just lol.

This is Violet's party. Her husband isn't around, but you have someone cooking in the kitchen (back left), a couple of folks in the lounge, Violet and Lav coming in from the lift (back right), and someone drawing in the bedroom.

That's Mister Incredible. Rawr. Gotta love that new muscle definition slider. I wouldn't like a body like that in reality, but it's pretty damn good in the game. His sister is Miss Incredible, and she's just as ripped, as is her daughter, Always Incredible.

Johanna King is a two star celebrity, so I HAD to have Lav get to know her. Eventually - WOO!

Oh yeah.

Since I haven't mentioned it yet, I made a bunch of townies, and then stole the vamps and celebs from Bridgeport and put them in town, with the hopes my Pinkingtons would run into them. It worked!


Ramon isn't sure if he should be serving his under aged sister-in-law or not, but there aren't any other customers, so hey, why not?

Uh, no they weren't. His only customers have been Lilac and Lupine! They weren't complaining!

Uh, Es, when did you learn to levitate?

Es did this. She'd been so busy training Heli that she wet herself. Or maybe it's a side effect of levitating.

Despite her one star celeb status, and turning up in her wedding dress, she still had to bribe her way in.

Yay for uncles!

Heliotrope: Did I forget to open the door again? He's working at the movie lot.

While Heli jumps, Es took herself off to this lonely patch of road to fish.

Awesome. There are some perks to being a celebrity!

I found Lupine sitting in her favourite spot again, but this time next to a creepy man. Rather late at night. And her next (autonomous) action? "Take Picture."

He didn't quite appreciate her trying, despite sitting next to her for how long. I guess you didn't want any evidence, hey? He then refused to talk to her and ran off. Creepy famous man.

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pinkington palace, sims 3

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