Week One |
Week Two |
**Warnings for pixel nudity, off-color humor and language**
I'm sure that most of you have heard that when women live together in close quarters, they can end up sharing the same cycle, ahem. And with our female residents in the Group Hug Group Home, it's no different...they're on the same cycle, too. The same lunar cycle! So for the next five days, they'll be going through a very ~special time~ together. How will the men-folk cope with these hungrier, grouchier, and hairier women? Prediction: not well, not well at all.
Albina: "Yessss! No one will ever doubt my commitment to Sparkle Motion again!"
Albina is by
Justice: "Yo!"
Right now, Justice (by
upendoaushi) believes that she's simply gone far too long without paying her aesthetician a visit.
Justice: "That's right, I'm due for a full-body Brazilian. Don't look at me like that...all the fashion models do it!"
Eight: "This is Thriller, Thriller Night! No one's gonna save me from the beast about to strike!"
Appomattox: "Splish-splash, I be takin' a bath!"
Some people are more concerned about the change in the girls than others. This includes
boolpropbea's Eight.
Nikou: "Grrrr! I need MEAT! A big hunk of meat, hot and dripping!"
....I thought you were a lesbian? (Nikou is by
Nikou: "Or, alternately, a ceasar salad with freshly ground black pepper and curly sprigs of arugula!"
It just seems like a weird thing for a ravenous werewolf to eat, doesn't it?
The Discovery Channel would have us believe that animals have mysterious ways of communicating with each other, and this is true--it just happens to involve a sock monkey.
Nikou: "We wolves are allergic to silver, Niamh. Don't let a werewolf hunter catch you with his silver handcuffs!"
Niamh: I wonder if Stanwick has any handcuffs...
Niamh is by
Appomattox (by
charterzard) finds his unshaven baby momma double-hot!
But then she howled and it scared the pee out of him, so, yeah. Might want to re-think that new found love for furries, Appomattox.
Albina soon discovers that she can use her hormonal howling to harass people who are taking too long in the shower. There's always a line for that damn shower in this house. It's too bad that the werewolves can't groom themselves and/or each other, though...that would have been some entertaining animation, I bet. I said entertaining, not erotic. What...? Don't look at me like that! All I'm saying is that it would be funny, I swear!
Nikou: One of these days, I'm gonna eat her salad. I'm gonna eat her salad so hard...
Okay, she's still a lesbian. Phew! Notice how Niamh gains aspiration points whenever someone howls?
Yeah, she's the only one who does that.
Nikou: "Hello there, Mrs. Clean! I was wondering if you might be interested in my virginity? It's just hanging around here, doing me no good whatsoever, so please feel free to HELP YOURSELF."
See? The howling is getting to her. It reminds her of all the screaming good times she's never experienced.
For Justice, on the other hand, hearing her sister-in-fur howl makes her realize that she's not just a little hairier than usual, she's loping across the lawn on all fours while fighting a strong urge to dig up a five-year-old steak bone that's been stashed beneath a flowering bush. And she doesn't even like steak.
Justice: Oh my Givenchy....I'm a werewolf!
Her mind, it cannot cope.
And...since this will be a bit of a theme for this update, I might as well start keeping a tally now.
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #1
Sturdy, steady Stanwick (by
needlecream) is showing signs of his crumbling resolve.
Stanwick: We must all, at times, travel through the darkness...a flashlight would be nice, though.
Justice: "Honey? Honey? Could you please pass the pepper?"
Justice is so used to seeing Appomattox in this position that she's come to think that it's just his ~unique~ way of eating.
In the manner of most
pixel_trade sims who walk by, Rissa (by
disastrousone) wonders just what kind of circus she's encountered out here, on the edges of Boomtown.
charterzard's Blanche comes home with Jareth, and they immediately get off on the wrong foot somehow.
Blanche: "Ew, you live here? This is the house where the adults all pee on the floor and stuff!" *MINUS-MINUS*
Jareth: "At least none of us are GREEN! Or wearing bowl-shaped hair!" *MINUS-MINUS*
I think
bondchick_nett's Thaddeus is making a bid to move in, or something, because he walks by ALL THE TIME.
Thaddeus: "Hey, my cable's out, so I can't watch Jersey Shore...and this is the next best train wreck in town!"
He has a point.
Fortune Sims. Read my lips, people: They are the BANE of any Asylum.
Oh, no! It looks like Stanwick has crumbled so far that he's now taken up drinking.
Stanwick: No. We're out of food.
Oh, oops. Another read my lips: Werewolves eat a LOT. They are also the bane of any Asylum.
Niamh: "WHOOOO! Look at us! We're so awesome and furry and WOLFY!"
Albina: Eh, whatever.
Albina: All that matters is that I found the vodka!
Justice: I...I'm still a wolf. How can this be? I wear the fur, the fur doesn't wear me! Is PETA behind this? AHAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAAAA!
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #2
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #3
Yes, they occurred within minutes of each other.
Stanwick - Nervous Breakdown #1
Looks like even steel can break. :(
Nikou staggers to the rescue with sock-monkey in hand, prepared to communicate soothing thoughts to all who are suffering.
And LOL at this picture, too.
Some people sleep through the howls, only to find that come morning, their nerves are thoroughly worn to the point of snapping. Poor Richard! (by
jens_sims Richard - Nervous Breakdown #1
This picture is just to show that Eight still loves to burp and fart at the kitchen table! And that Niamh still doesn't approve.
I approve! I <3 you, Eight.
Appomattox: "Hey. Whatcha making? Need any water while I'm over here?"
Albina: "No, that's okay." He's naked, isn't he?
Justice: Who is that little boy out there?
Your son?
Justice: Well, I wouldn't call it my sun...I mean, I have to share it with the rest of the planet, don't I? Unfortunately.
This is the premise for some kind of pornographic movie, isn't it? Wet n' Wild WereWolf Women Waiting for a Whipping, or something. Let's hope that financial-whiz Richard remembered to hide those hidden cameras around the house!
Nikou - Nervous Breakdown #1
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #4
Justice is so busy losing her mind, that she also loses control of her bladder.
Niamh: "GURRRRL, that be nasty! Take it to a bush!"
So Justice does take it to a bush, where she sinks down into insanity yet again.
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #5
And again.
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #6
Niamh: Ya'll are wusses! It's just a little bit of howling! Grow up and TAKE IT! "AROOOoooOOO!"
Richard - Nervous Breakdown #2
Appomattox - Nervous Breakdown #1
Stanwick - Nervous Breakdown #2
It was a long, rough night for everyone, and while she washes the dishes, Justice puts all of the blame squarely on that howling Niamh.
But seriously, I swear that Appomattox must LIKE sleeping this way, because he does it every day! I'm not even exaggerating.
Stanwick: "Get away from the stove, Eight! You're on fire!"
Eight: Haha, I know, right? This is gonna be the best chili EVER!
Fortunately, my robo self-sim was around to call the fire department.
Firewoman: "Why don't you just get a smoke detector?"
Look, lady, we have rules here. Don't come swishing in with your fancy helmet and your fancy freckles just to question the rules, okay?
I don't have to explain what this is about, do I? Because the moon is out again and that means it's time for howlin' and prowlin'.
Stanwick - Nervous Breakdown #3
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #7
Nikou - Nervous Breakdown #2
Niamh: "You know what we should do? We should record a CD of ourselves howling and play it during the day too!"
Yes, I think Niamh and Albina are taking a perverse pleasure in this, since they're the ones doing most of the howling.
Justice: He's...he's sleeping at the top of the stairs? But why? He likes to sleep at the kitchen table!
Yeah, I'm not sure this is an improvement, either.
Stanwick had the pee howled out of him. :(
Eight!? You too?
Eight: "No, Appomattox did that."
Sigh. He was telling the truth - I checked the memories.
I never did figure out who did this, though!
...Only that it created a whole lot of complaints from everyone.
So, maybe now's a good time for a group hug?
...Or not?
Stanwick: Oh my god, I dreamt that I was surrounded by werewolves, pee, and fortune sims!
There, there. Go back to sleep. It'll all look better in the morning. Maybe.
Eight: "How does he do it? I mean, he's face down in several inches of soup. Shouldn't he be drowning by now?"
Nikou: "It takes a special kind of talent, I think."
It does indeed.
Hey! Whatcha got there, Justice? Looks like orange slices and...soy sauce?
Justice: It's potstickers, dumbass.
Sheesh, someone's a little grouchy. I suppose seven nervous breakdowns will do that, though.
Richard - Nervous Breakdown #3
At least he was autonomously reading to Jareth when it happened! Way to be helpful, Richard.
Looks like Stanwick has figured out a method for keeping Niamh from howling all night long! Or...at least not howling in the way he doesn't like.
Stanwick: Well, I am quite wise.
Not too bad, I must say.
What are you two giggling about?
Eight: "We burped..."
Albina: "...at the same time!"
Abso-fricken-lutely adorable.
No, let me rephrase that:
And then Richard ran in and added to the puddle.
Appomattox: "Dude, that is GROSS!"
Richard: "Hey! But you...you..."
Appomattox: You big pants-pisser!
Appomattox is a bit of a hypocrite, I think.
Justice used to dance at all the best discotheques in Milan, but learning to boogie with her werewolf muscles will take some getting used to, I guess.
Justice: No one saw me, right?
I just love it when a werewolf looks sheepish, don't you?
This looks like another scene fit for Richard's hidden cameras, am I right?
Oh, what an unfortunate position to be in when aspiration failure strikes.
Stanwick - Nervous Breakdown #4
This is also an unfortunate position to be in. Especially for Nikou...so close to her beloved, yet so far!
Justice - Nervous Breakdown #8
Nikou - Nervous Breakdown #3
But by morning, the proverbial tables have been turned.
Niamh - Nervous Breakdown #1
Niamh - Nervous Breakdown #2
The girls' bout with lycanthropy has come to an end, thanks to that cool hacked painting, and everyone but Niamh is absolutely thrilled about it! Pay back is a bitch, eh?
And yet, we still haven't reached the most dramatic part of this update!
It all begins with this cute picture, which I took to be Stanwick blushing while sleeping with Eight and dreaming about Dumbledore and Grindelwald's forbidden love.
But no, it just turned out to be heatstroke.
But I shouldn't say it was JUST heatstroke, becase there was a heatstroke PLAGUE on the house, and my sim-self was running around dousing people left and right. I've never really had this happen in game before, and have no idea why it happened this time. I even have that Seasons fix that I thought prevented this sort of nonsense.
Nikou came out of bed looking especially pink and sweaty.
My self-sim doused her, but this time, it didn't do any good. Nikou ran to the bathroom and keeled over, her motives so bottomed out that she died of hunger. And the picture I tried to take of the whole thing didn't work, unfortunately. But trust me, it happened!
I quickly got self-sim on the scene to beg for her life. Self-sim and Nikou's relationship was in the teens, though, so I didn't have high hopes of it working. :(
And when I saw this face, I thought for a second that I had lost.
But then....blue memory = good, right?
Nikou: "YES! I LIVE!"
Nikou: "Thank you for saving my life so that I won't die a virgin! Hug?"
Self-sim: "UM NO."
Richard: "Can't you just hug her? JUST HUG HER!! GROUP HUG TIMEZ" *wail*
Ugh, why I gotta be such a bitch?
At least my self-sim was good for keeping Jareth up with his homework.
And speaking of Jareth, yes, he is still alive and living in the Group Hug Group Home. He's an alarmingly self-sufficient little child, though, which meant that there weren't as many opportunities to take pictures of him. You have to fail to get screen time in this house!
Or have a birthday!
See what I mean about being self-sufficient? His first act as a teenager is to make a meal for everyone. He rolled romance, and I forget his exact personality, but he's very neat and not very nice. :)
Appomattox: "Oh my god! Check out his broad, hairless chest! It's so smooth, like cocoa-butter or caramel!"
Haha, that shirt mesh does remind me that I should download a body-hair overlay of some kind. Oh, and that's Nathanael by
inkstaind_stars. Hi Nathanael! Hi, Nathanael's naked chest!
SIGH, AGAIN. Really, the residents just have no shame anymore.
Albina: Huh? What's "shame?" Can I get it delivered?
Well, maybe Justice still has a little shame left. She looks like she just can't believe that her honey has, yet again, pissed himself.
And Jareth, unfortunately, now thinks that this is perfectly ordinary behavior...admirable behavior, even!
Jareth: "Dad, you've had more accidents than anyone in the house! You rule!"
Appomattox: "Thanks, son!"
Justice: "Thanks, kid! What was your name again?"
Do you reckon that everyone has it in them to make it for ONE more week???
Think there ought to be any ~special challenges~ for the final round? Suggestions are welcome!
Appomattox: 18
Justice: 9
Richard: 6
Stanwick: 3
Nikou: 3
Eight: 3
Niamh: 1
Albina: 0
*Remember, higher the score, the higher the fail! It's like golf; the lower the score, the better.
Featuring sims by
charterzard, and
With cameos from sims by
disastrousone, and