Apr 19, 2003 14:03
i got an early birthday present last night.
i got a NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *see lara and ck, my instincts still work on occasion* *wink*
so here's where i tell you about her:
AMD Athlon processor
1.7 GHz
256 MB
40 GB
Windows 2000 i was a 98 version girl *grin*
it also got a cd burner lord knows i can't live without that!
best of all....................
ViewSonic 15" flat screen monitor *pets new monitor*
i am the happiest gal in the universe right now. of course i have a gazillion things to do to get my ass back into "fully operational" mode, but who cares??? someone remind me of that when i'm pulling all the hair out of my head and screaming with frustration. probably.....by 8:00 tonight. but yippee skippy!!
anyone wanna help me name her???
*skips off to hug my b-day present some more....oh yeah....and joe too.* =)