Colliding Stars

Sep 04, 2011 18:09

Title: Colliding Stars
Author: collidingwithme orning_collided
Status: WIP
Rating: PG
Genre: fantasy
Format: serial story
Warnings/Advisories: (From the author) Coarse language and adult themes
Link: Chapters or Livejournal

Review: This is a beautifully done story where the author really puts a lot of care into what she does. From the gorgeous, meticulously detailed pictures, to the backgrounds of her characters and the history of the world she's created. It's a story set in a different world from ours where some people are aligned to stars giving them interesting abilities. It follows a young woman named Kismette as she begins to discover her own abilities as well as the world beyond a simpler life she was used to. Of course there's romance, and the author does a great job of building those romances, exploring the emotions and situations of the different characters involved. There really is no stark good and evil, and yes there are characters that are less sympathetic, but it still seems like the author puts a lot of care into the reasons why.

The writer is stolen from us occasionally by real life, so pacing right now is a bit off, but when the updates come, there's still heart in it and they are just as enjoyable as ever.

Summary: (from the author) "Colliding Stars is set in a world similar but unlike our own. In a century-long war between Quesdeja and Kiraul, the accidental discovery of a healer tilts the delicate balance of power.

"This is the story of the healer, the turning point of her life. As an orphan from the rural countryside, how will she grow into the role she was suddenly thrown into?"

author: collidingwithme, format: series, !original characters, genre: fantasy, ts2, story: colliding stars, !story recomendation

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