Aaron moves back into town late on Thursday night after graduating from college and he spends some time painting to settle in.
He's living in
this apartment complex by vimpse over at tumblr.
In the morning, Aaron invites Stef over on a date.
Things go well, but neither of them roll any engagement wants.
Stef does move in, though. She's Popularity/Knowledge and wants to Become Celebrity Chef.
Stef gets a quick makeover and then joins Aaron for some chess.
Woohoo! XD
Still no job in Athletic since Aaron can't afford the rec center I built for him to buy, but he gets a job in Business because it's open.
Stef makes some breakfast and then heads off to work at her in job in Science.
Stef and Aaron both come home with promotions and celebrate with hamburgers.
They're so cute. <3 I can't wait until they have babies!! I'm trying to make myself wait though. I really want to click try for baby every time, but I don't. I'm going to let ACR and risky woohoo decide when it's time.
And now for the crap-ton of promotions they both got since they didn't do much that was picture-worthy after work.
Aaron took a break from promotions to try and befriend Gordon Wolosenko. It went quickly and he sent him home.
Aaron is still a kid at heart. I told him to rake the leaves and he played in them right after. XD
Stef is finally in her dream career! She also managed to befriend...whoever this is. I can't remember now.
Still no engagement wants or sign of a baby on the way, so I guess they're taking it slower than most of my couples.
I felt bad that they'd been working so hard for a while, so I let them have a date.
I was hoping for an engagement want from at least one of them, but no luck.
Aaron has several days off and a want to paint a masterpiece, so he spends a lot of time in front of the easel.
The week ends with another date that lead to no engagement. Hopefully next week.
Population: 377
Playable Sims: 29
SM: 13
Households: 5
Community Lots: 7
⮡ Owned: 6
⮡ NPC: 1
Business Districts: 1
University(ies): 1
Downtown: no
CAS: 17
⮡ Used: 3
Fires: 5
Burglaries: 3
University funds: $1,000,000
Adventure: Unlocked [Komei Norwood]
Architecture: 2/3 [Delphina Teague]
Business: Unlocked [Amanda Tellerman, Dexter Teague, Aaron Pearce]
Criminal: 1/1
Culinary: Unlocked [Joe Pearce, Ryan Wheeler, Ginger Teague, Stef Strange]
Education: 1/1
Entertainment: 2/2
Law Enforcement: 2/2
Medical: Unlocked
Music: Unlocked [Eliza Teague]
Oceanography: 0/3 [Scorpius Pearce, Ivy Wheeler, Moira Norwood]
Science: Unlocked
Slacker: 0/1 [Jan Tellerman]