Joe starts off writing another restaurant guide because we only need 59,000 more for a university.
The money from Scorpius's final promotion helps too!!
Of course Joe broke the computer. *sigh* Luckily he fixed it with no problems.
Poor Scorpius got chased by bees after a hike.
There's a lot of skilling happening in the household since Alice and Angus both kept rolling wants to gain more skill points in specific skills.
Aaron maxed Charisma and Alice maxed Logic, which means that when they become adults, they'll unlock a position in Show Business and Science respectively. :)
WE HAVE A UNIVERSITY. I add it right away so that Aaron can actually go to college when he ages up.
Joe is steadily working his way up the Culinary ladder.
Yet another burglar, but I don't know if I can count it since nothing was stolen?
Poor Aaron went on a hike and got caught in poison ivy, so he came home all itchy.
The itchiness won't last for long, however, since it's Aaron's birthday! He applies for scholarships but didn't get many.
But before Aaron goes off to college, it's time for Angus to become a teen! Angus rolls Family and his LTW is Become Celebrity Chef. Luckily Culinary is unlocked, so that's totally doable. :)
As soon as Aaron has seen his brother age up, he heads off to the new college.
I missed Joe completing his LTW of earning 100,000 simoleans.
I just liked this shot of Joe and Alice eating a meal together with Scorpius befriending people on the phone in the background. :)
I can't believe my founder is an elder. :( He's adorable though.
Joe is doing really well with promotions this week!
On Sunday night, he joins Scorpius in elderhood.
The week ends with Scorpius heading off to work in his very snazzy car.
Here's a bonus shot of Aaron at Mission University (downloaded from ModTheSims). He'll be played at the end of the week, once any other eligible kiddos are also at college.
Population: 364
Playable Sims: 28
SM: 13
Households: 5
Community Lots: 7
⮡ Owned: 6
⮡ NPC: 1
Business Districts: 1
University(ies): 1
Downtown: no
CAS: 17
⮡ Used: 3
Fires: 4
Burglaries: 3
University funds: $1,000,000
Adventure: 0/1 [Komei Norwood]
Architecture: 1/2 [Delphina Teague]
Business: Unlocked [Amanda Tellerman, Dexter Teague]
Criminal: 1/1
Culinary: Unlocked [Joe Pearce, Ryan Wheeler, Ginger Teague]
Law Enforcement: 2/2
Music: Unlocked [Eliza Teague]
Oceanography: 0/3 [Scorpius Pearce, Ivy Wheeler, Moira Norwood]
Slacker: 0/1 [Jan Tellerman]