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Woodpine Valley // Week 5 Olsen
Dec 08, 2018 09:16
Phillip has a snow day so he stays home with Nathan while Kitty heads off to work.
Lemon looks on as the family sits down to a dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches.
While planting tomatoes in the maybe still too frozen ground, Nathan discovers his OTH!
A perk to living in a small town: there aren’t a lot of neighbors to watch you garden in your PJ’s.
HALLELUJAH. I was beginning to think he would NEVER get his gold robotics badge.
As soon as he’s done caring for the plants, Nathan gets started on his Logic skill. Once he maxes Logic, he can finally get a job in his dream career.
In the morning, Nathan gets to use the thinking cap to hopefully gain Logic skill quicker.
Awwww, no! Lemon passes away and all the kitties crowd into the bedroom to yowl.
Pepper passes away a few minutes after Lemon. :(
Lemon and Pepper get put out in the garden.
Nathan maxed Logic, so he gets a job in Science finally.
First day and Nathan gets a promotion. :)
Ash is an elder now.
Saturday morning starts with painting and gardening.
Then they spend some time at the two community lots. Fizzle and Whiz Toys gets up to rank 1 and Olsen Art Gallery gets to level 2.
The tomatoes are ready to harvest!
Phillip interrupts the harvest with his birthday.
Phillip Olsen
Knowledge/Grilled Cheese
Become Criminal Mastermind
+ Blonde Hair, Hardworker
- Alienism
Lemon scares Phillip as soon as he ages up. Poor guy…
The week ends with Nathan harvesting the last of the tomatoes before climbing into bed.
woodpine valley
week 5
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