Welcome back! Last time we met the cutest toddlers ever and welcomed a new nooboo to the Teriz family!
Beau is apparently very happy about Cohen. This kid never smiles, but a new baby baby brother? Sign him up.
That's his "B" face. Don't go getting all cocky yet there, bud.
Alexander also brought home Bernard (?) Foy home and then HE WOULDN'T LEAVE. You can't tell from him leaving the bathroom, but it's like 8:30-9:00 at night there.
Why are you doing your homework on your toddler brothers' bed, when you have a pefectly good desk and chair 3 steps away? I even decorated it with a little pencil holder clutter.
Alexander: ...
(Also, when you wake up hella early to do your homework that you didn't do the night before. The sims, always relatable)
Everybody loves Cohen, really. Xian and Alexander are so attentive. It only took Xian two kids to realize that the crying and pooping thing needed to actually be cared for. Who knew?
And the next 48 hours passed uneventfully and it was time for a birthday! I missed the sparkly bassinet because I was trying to keep everyone alive, but if you've seen one sparkly bassinet, you've seen them all. Am I right or am I right?
In a flash of irony, he rolled Angelic as his trait.
-obligatory high chair picture-
So I'm pretty sure that the blond hair is supposed to be purple, but I don't have many toddler/kid hairs that are "unnatural" colors. So, there's that. I'll see if purple hair suits him later on. I'm kind of liking the blond/green combo.
Alexander: *whistles innocently*
(we're just going to pretend that we don't see that something Zoe is wearing is borked and causing that weird long hand syndrome, okay? It's a cute outfit)
Alexander: She doesn't have proof so she can't not make me heir, right Drago? I'll just say Dad broke the sink this morning. She never has to know.
Alexander: I'm talking to him now, wait your turn.
Yes, Alexander, playing with toys on the bathroom floor is perfectly sanitary and fun. -__-
Drago is a very popular dinosaur in the Teriz family. He's like Barney.
Zoe: *mutters under breath* damn kids
Monster under the bed spotting!
So Zoe had to come confidently yielding monster spray.
Zoe: Begone?
We'll work on it.
I know what that fist pump means and I wish you hadn't scarred your oldest child for life, but there it is. It's all out in the open now.
Alexander: Need. Memory wipe. Now.
The final nooboo!
It's time for Beau to leave behind the world of toddlerdom and enter childhood!
And he's a cutie! He rolled goofball and his aspiration is rambunctious scamp!
Makeover! He still has glasses, just not for sleepwear.
Yes, I see the stinky bowl. They'd live in utter filth if I wasn't around to make them clean up after themselves.
Here's a better makeover picture.
(still ignoring Zoe's footlong finger issue there because she looks so cute and I'm too lazy to give her a new outfit)
Beau needed to climb on monkey bars to complete a whim and part of his aspiration level, so off to the park they go-
Beau climbed the monkey bars.
Alexander played space invaders.
This guy got way too close to Xian.
Purple-Haired Guy: We must be close. Purple-haired sims have to stick together.
Alexander still smustles. Seriously, if I didn't have an action lined up, he always went back to this building and danced.
~Teriz boys~
So this is where Alexander and Beau became partners in crime and the lady in the blue DID NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL.
She had little red negatives until they walked away.
While poor Cohen was trapped here. Look at his little face, I just want to smush his cheeks
Since Cohen got stuck (and it actually took like 2 sim hours for him to be unstuck when I finally just reset him) and Zoe was about to needfail, they went home.
Drago is getting a lot of love this chapter. You can tell that Zoe is close to birth because she has that like permanent frown.
Also, upon editing of this picture I see a stink cloud arising from Cohen. Whoops.
So I didn't know this was a thing in the Sims 4. I was doing homework and just letting the game run, listening to the music when I hear the 'whoosh' noises and I honestly thought my game was crashing until I saw this cute little interaction.
It was really cute and I loved it!
He finally did his homework at the desk.
Alexander: Maybe if I don't look at her she'll go away.
Fine, moving on-
Apparently this is angelic. I have like 10 more pictures like this because he had tantrums ALL the time like Beau did when he was a toddler.
Cohen: Daddy left me and he's never coming back! *crycry*
Okay your mom is literally right there, but whatevs
So these two were still up at like 12 am and I noticed that the little situation bar at the top said the conversation was 'tense'. Turns out Alexander had been taunting Beau for like 30 minutes sim time.
Alexander: Your mom is so-
Beau: Dude, we have the same Mom.
Meanwhile, in the next room~
Zoe: It's happening. HALP
deep breaths? Rub some dirt on it? I got nothing, Zoe.
Zoe: I hate you.
I have no actual birth picture and no sparkley bassinet picture. I don't know what happened to them, but the house was getting too small for everyone, so I built them a new one on a bigger lot that will hopefully be able to keep growing in the later generations.
But, there's still a new member of the family to meet!
(I actually think was at the old house, whoops)
And this is where I'll leave you.
Next time:
New house
So many birthdays
Will Alexander give up on the 'yo mama' jokes?
Will Beau be able to forgive the 'yo mama' jokes?
The magic 8 ball says "Reply hazy, try again later"