This is the most excited Elyse has been all day. And what for? Not for getting married or woohooing, but because she gets to make the bed.
Looking at porn, Hunter?
Elyse is pregnant. She popped right in front of Hunter...That's one way of breaking the news.
He did this on his own. I have very high hopes for Hunter as a dad.
A bunch of the downtownies Elyse met on her quest to find a man keep calling her.
Hunter likes to brag about his roof raising wedding party, you know, the one that Ms. Diva wasn't invited to. Way to be a jerk, Hunter.
Second pop. I don't know why I feel the need to take these popping pictures lol.
Manly fishing trips, where the men bond, soak up the testosterone about makeup.
Sims spooning is one of the cutest things ever.
Yes, Elyse? Something you need?
Drugs? What? Sorry, the closest to drugs we have in this game is bubble bong, and I'm not sure that'll help you now...
Charlie, is this just your
The gardener's all like, "Glad I didn't hit that shit. It's Hunter's problem now" and walks away.
Ahh, the miracle of sim birth.
Err. That's probably not safe, Elyse.
A boy. He has Hunter's eyes, Elyse's hair, and a mixture of Hunter and Charlie's skintones. I thought it was Elyse's, at first, but it's too dark...Anyway. His name is Nicholas.
The first thing she does is hand the baby to Charlie.
And Hunter, who I had such high expectations for, is reading a book.
...You're not done?!?!?
Another boy. Hunter's skintone, Elyse's eyes and hair. His name is Cody.
Like father like daughter.
Hunter: Yay! Babies!
Charlie: Yay! Babies!
Elyse: I'm hungry!
By the way, after this picture was taken, Elyse went not to the fridge, but to make her bed. Crazy neat sims.
Change your mind about babies, Charlie?
Hunter really is a good dad, despite missing Cody's birth cause he was engrossed in a book.
Elyse has to be directed to interact with her kids. =/
They seem to be competing on who can be more attentive to the twins lol.
Poor Elyse is just exhausted.
Birthday! I tried to get them both at the same time, but stupid Hunter went and put Cody on the ground for some reason.
Nicholas first.
She doesn't look at him the entire time.
His stats:
2 Neat
9 Outgoing
9 Active
7 Playful
4 Nice
Cody's turn.
2 Neat
3 Outgoing
9 Active
7 Playful
4 Nice
Nicholas post makeover. He's adorable.
Nicholas: MOMMY!
Elyse: Yeah, whatever.
Cody post makeover. Also very cute. They both look so different it's hard to compare them.
I love them. <3
Getting all those toddler skills out of the way.
Basically, the twins need constant attention.
Or else they'll end up on the front porch.
Or in the bathroom doing this...
Here's Cody walking to greet his mom when she comes home from work.
Aaaaaand, there's his mom walking right past him.
She does have her motherly moments though. She bathed Nicholas all on her own, granted, he smelled something wretched (hygiene completely in the red for some reason...probably neglect) so she was probably doing herself a favor.
Hunter's been in the Fairdale family too long. Their cooking talents (or lack thereof) are starting to rub off.
If Cody's not on the porch waiting for his mom, he's playing with the toilet.
Or following his parents around. PLAY WITH YOUR TOYS! I've never had a toddler more attention starved than this kid.
Well, hello sunshine. How was your day?
Bad chance card got her fired. Le sigh.
Elyse: Babies are no fun!
She was depressed about this for a very long time.
The resemblance is uncanny, no?
Last pictures of the twins as toddlers before their birthday.
Don't be a jerk, Charlie. It's not for you anyway.
Yay birthday!
I don't know why Nicholas always goes first lol.
And Cody.
They look nothing like each other, but they're both so adorable.