Things are really looking up for my family lately,
a whole lot of new things for us to discover and do it seems.
After complaining about an achy back, my wife went off to the spa but quickly realized that would not help in getting rid of the pains. It seemed she was indeed ready to give birth to our new baby.
As soon as I got the call, I rushed to meet her in the emergency room. I was secretly hoping for a little boy, someone who would look like me.
And we did! Everyone, please meet little Brownie Landgraab! (Just a note, Brownie is not named because he has brown hair/eyes/skin it is actually a family nickname for the Polish name Braunen) He is a bit fussy, almost seeming to take pleasure in others discomfort. I secretly hope he doesn't turn out to be evil like my great uncle.
With the arrival of a new baby in the house, my Mom went out of her way to ensure that Elly didn't feel forgotten. She actually spent most of her time with her, which was a great relief to Alesha, who was often very tired. Being a light sleeper, whenever she heard a single noise my wife would wake up, and then struggle to go back to sleep.
Even though he would now never have a child of his own, Titus seemed even happier. When he wasn't working his tail off for work, he would make sure he spent time with Mom.
He was also really trying to reach the top of his career path before hitting his elderhood alongside Mom, he had a late start with marrying Mom so late in life.
And before I knew it, it was time for both Elly and Brownie to age up. It seemed just as life was getting good, it would fly by. How come when things were bad, time was so slow? And the times I want to last forever are over before I even realize it?
I did corner Glen and had a serious discussion with him about Titus. Sure, he wasn't Dad, but he was great with Mom, Alesha, me and the kids. He was always there for us when we needed him, and he went above and beyond the call of duty so to speak.
Mom brought little Elly to the cake first, always trying her best to ensure Elly never felt left behind.
She was beautiful! My little girl who looked so much like my father, especially in her eyes.
But, just as things were getting good, dear Mother had a moment. The cake burst into flame as she brought Brownie to it. The look in her eyes was unsettling, I knew she was thinking about Dad. Perhaps she felt that her brother Lucas was with us that day, causing her pain even from beyond the grave.
That was when Titus jumped into action. He didn't even hesitate, just putting out the flames, and then quickly checking to make sure Mom was okay. I think it was then that Glen finally realized that Titus was important to all of us, and there was reason he was.
Later on, I took the time to reassure my wife that everything was okay and the fire at the party was not her fault. Alesha was great, I loved her more every day. She spent most of it painting or with the kids, and always made sure she had time with me.
Now my son, Brownie was a different story. That little boy looked nothing like me, but he was the toast of the town so to speak. Everyone wanted to spend time with him.
Elly loved playing peek-a-boo with her little brother, the two looking so cute together.
But the one that Brownie was the closest to was with Titus. He just seemed to be happiest when Titus was taking care of him, or training him to use the potty. That made Titus extremely happy, even going so far as to say he was his favorite grandchild.
Though Mom was a bit withdrawn after the fire during the party, she bounced back rather quickly. "For the kids" is all she would say. She took up cooking to pass the time when Titus was at work.
And much like my Grandfather Jean, little Elly took to fishing.
She even insisted we keep her first minnow as a pet, naming him Nicolas.
After school Elly went over to her cousin's house, Anne's little girl who also had Dad's eyes and hair.
Her Aunt Anne helped her with some math problems because both girls had been stumped. It made me happy to see the family spending time together even after so much tragedy.
One day Titus was out doing interviews, when he ran into Glen. And Glen insisted on talking to Titus, saying that he finally was able to get over himself, and accept Titus. When he came home, Titus was so happy to share the good news. He also got to tell Mom that Glen had recently married, and was now a Dad! He changed his last name to match his wife's, and was now Glen Cope.
While there, Titus also saw a friend of his pass on. He was devastated, and made him more determined to become an International Super Spy before the Grim Reaper came for him.
Alesha decided to take up the guitar, and when she felt a bit stir crazy from painting all day, she would go the park and play.
That meant that I needed to take a break from writing so I could care for Brownie. He is such a great little boy, even if he seems to enjoy soiling himself if it annoys anyone. I am beginning to think he is indeed evil.
But, I still love my little boy.
During the night some new shops opened up in town. Mom went to check them out, and found herself drawn to this drafting table. She spent the entire afternoon working on it, and even expressed a desire to own one herself.
On a whim, I found myself ordering one of those new mechanical men over the internet. His name is Ajurob, and likes to wonder around the house.
I quickly came to realize that perhaps my purchase was a bit premature. Not that he is a problem, he's very nice, but he does stink of oil.
Before we knew, it my little angel Elly was now becoming a teenager!
It was then I realized that while she has my Dad's coloring, she had the facial features of my Mom. It's always amazing to see your parents in your own child.
When the robot wasn't trying to win over family members
He would be working on his new workstation, trying to invent things to make our lives easier.
Elly and my wife Alesha spent a lot of time talking about things. The two were the best of friends.
Elly was also a good friend to Brownie who was now school age. I loved my kids growing up before me, but I began to dread that soon my Mom would pass.
After we got news that Uncle Bear passed on, Mom went to visit his daughter to give her her condolences. That is when she met her little great-nephew Abe. The Landgraab family was just getting so large now we were losing track of them!
One day Elly went home with her cousin Borris, son of Moonbeam who still lives at the old Landgraab estate.
The portrait of Nancy Landgraab still hung on the walls where her husband had left it all those years ago.
It seemed that time was still moving on, but it also felt like a whole new world. Titus finally reached his life long dream of being an International Super Spy, and quickly decided to retire to spend what little time he had left with Mom and the grandkids. This only makes me wonder, what else could my family be in store for?