Hello my fellow Livejournalers! It's been awhile huh? *checks last posting* MAY!? Okay, yeah its been about 4 months... So, I don't really have anything writing related to show for my time away (though I've been messing around with a few stories/poems). But since this techincally is called LiveJOURNAL I figured I'd tell you what I've been up to on my time away.
So, where to start? Now I'm volunteering at my Library under a program they run called S.A.I.L Or Service and Achievement in the Library. Its not a hugely exciting thing, but I had fun doing it last year and I've meant alot of interesting people over the last 2 years. I go to S.A.I.L for 3 hours a day Monday-Friday this week as well as last. Along with that, I'm running Cross Country for my school, which I started practice for in early July. I'm probably the worst runner on the team, but I don't really care, I just like the workout. Plus, I've learned to run over 3 miles or for as long as 45 minutes straight, which not whole lot of people can say they do. Between running, Cross Country practice, and S.A.I.L these last two weeks I've been pretty busy :)
I've been wasting a pretty horrible amount of time on youtube, I could probably be doing something way more sufficent with my time then sitting on the internet but its addicting XD Aside from that, I found a love for anime back in Febuary when my sister showed me her favorite show Fullmetal Alchemist, and ever since then I think I've watched about 10 other anime series while I was looking for a way to cure boredom. I kind of have a hatred for Animes though, they've wasted so much of my time that I have barely read a whole book since school has ended, which is really wierd for me. Last year I read 13 books over the course of the summer.
So all in all, I've pretty much wasted my summer pretty much goofing off. But I'm happy with that, I did so well in school last year that it feels nice to simply do nothing. Now, I have a little over a month left before school starts again and I still have two summer reading books to read among a other things I want to accomplish before school starts. Now I really need to get myself motivated to do something!
Well, if you managed to actually read through this whole thing, I'm sorry. I probably bore you to tears. But I feels good to actually post something besides a comment on here again. My question for you guys is: how have you been? Have you been wasting your time on pointless stuff the way I have been or have you been really busy?