Tidewater Asylum - Up to Day 31!!

Apr 02, 2006 17:46

The remaining patients at Tidewater Asylum

These latest entries are based on Simscout's Mini Challenge, The Asylum. If you'd like to read more about the Asylum Challenge, please visit the page that lists the rules and specifics. :)


And if you want to read the third installment of my very own Tidewater Asylum, click the link below.

Welcome back to my world. The loony bin. I swear, things are going worse each day. John? Dude.. that's gotta hurt. Ignore the ball, seriously. And Spaz? Why just stare? Freak.

Whee, another promotion. I'm smiling, cause that's one step closer to me getting so famous they can't keep me locked up in here!!!

Okay, so worrying about them fighting is too tiring, so I'm just going to start rooting for them. Don't care who. Just whoever looks to be winning. In this case, looks like Spaz. Paul E over there, he's about ready to burst into tears if these girls don't quit. Who's got the popcorn?

It REALLY freaks me out when she stares over my shoulder like that. She's been watching me study for hours now. GO AWAY. Finally I got up and went into the kitchen to study. Maybe she didn't like that I was sitting between her and the television.

But then she came into the kitchen and decided to eat what was left of Statis' chef's salad. Hey, at least it wasn't oozing green from it and attracting flies. Maybe Drama has some smarts in there after all.

Yeah, this isn't anything new. I'm not even going to stop to watch. Just going to go take my shower, and get ready for work. Work is my saviour. Getting out of here for a few hours almost every day, it's a beautiful thing. Everyone else talks about how the weekends were too short. But me? I want the weekends to be OVER with.

Well, Paul and Domina? That's pretty sweet. Nice to see some romances blossoming. I've seen romances, and jealousies, and yet nobody remembers by the next day, who they were making out with the day before. Good lord. Me? I know exactly who I'm making out with. And smart enough to not make out with someone, when the person I was making out with before is anywhere they can see me.

Speaking of making out, Kennedy came over again. He wanted to take me out on a date, but I told him I couldn't leave, and offered to make something at home, if he wanted to come hang out. He agreed. But I couldn't get Spaz to stop sleeping in her food. I was hoping she would go crawl into bed, but nope. She had to sleep right here. But Kennedy didn't seem to mind.

Guess he REALLY didn't mind. Nope. Not even a little bit. He left me quite tired indeed. And he stayed all night long. Eventually, after he got a snack, he came back and curled up with me. Much to the dismay of my fellow...roomies. Since we're limited on sleeping space, Kennedy taking up one spot really pissed off a few folks. Too bad. They can just get over themselves. I'll be out of here soon enough and they can HAVE the extra space.

Yeah, see, even Drama and Statis got pissed that Kennedy stayed all night. Hogging up the bed space, using the bathroom, eating the food. I was sleeping when it happened, but when Kennedy told me the next day at work, boy was I pissed off.

Dang, time's creeping up on me. I need to get these promotions. I work hard every day, I study and practice. What more can I do? I don't want to sit here and grow old with these people. Lord, if you're listening, please help me get out of here?

Too late. I have to grow old with them all. One by one, they transition, and each of them talk about the pretty sparkly paper. What are you talking about? No such thing. Nobody's got glitter or anything. OH, go have a nap!

*yawwwn* Why do I feel sleepy all of a sudden? Hey.. what's with the sparkly pap... ack, what am I saying? Nope, nothing going on here. No sir. *shifty eyes*

And now the boys. While they were having a conversation about tennis balls, basket balls, volley balls, and some character in a movie named Wilson. Zoom Zoom.

"Dude, you look cool." "Dude, you got the ugly shirt. Boy howdy." John was amused by the clothes Paul E got stuck with. And was glad he got the dignified clothes.

Paul E had to come and cheer on Domina. Seems he's really into her. Poor Spaz, had nobody to cheer her on. Though she really needs some clothes on. Don't want to see you in your granny panties, Spaz. Go get a robe!!

Even as elders, Spaz and Drama go at it. Guess Spaz figured she could take her nemesis, once they were old ladies. Who cares, I gotta make sure I can get to work and get that promotion today.

Rock on! One more to go after this one. One more! I have all my skills, and I'm friendly with enough people, guess that is what all that charisma was for huh.

I AM OUTTA HERE!!! Look out world, cause here I am. But.. almost my whole adult life was wasted here. In this place, with these crazy people. I still don't know why they did this to me. Or even who it was who did this. But the fact of the matter is, I did what I had to, to get free.

Point breakdown: +100 to start. +20 for no influence.

Skillpoints and Aspiration, per fellow lunatic:

Domina +12 skill .. 17,000 Asp
Drama +20 skill .. 4,500 Asp
John + 7 skill .. 3,750 Asp
Paul E +14 skill .. 12,000 Asp
Spaz +14 skill .. 12,150 Asp
Statis + 7 skill .. 25,250 Asp

Totals: +74 skill .. 65,650 rounded up = +66

+10 Household friends
-31 .. Days institutionalized
-20 .. 1 resident death (Mathama)
0 Visitor deaths.


The End.
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