These latest entries are based on Simscout's Mini Challenge, The Asylum. If you'd like to read more about the Asylum Challenge, please visit the page that lists the rules and specifics. :) And if you want to read the second installment of my very own Tidewater Asylum, click the link below.
If it's not one thing, it's another. Good thing that so far, I seem to be HOME when fires take place. Really, I wish they'd let me go to the mall or something. I could use my earnings from my Athletic job, to buy a dang smoke alarm. But nooooo. Every day it's the same thing. You'd think these people would learn. Take turns in the bathroom. PEE while you're in there, so you don't lose your place in line. DON'T START FIRES.
Poor John. He hates fires. He really does. Paul and Domina seem to be the ones to start them constantly, not taking into consideration at all, those who are affected badly by the fires.
Well, at least we have a little bit of eye candy here. Mathama? He don't always smell good, but he almost always looks good.
*sigh* Do I really need to say it? I mean honestly.
Statis has found his own solution for the clogged bathroom problem. Much to the dismay of the occasionally prudish Domina, Statis stands in the buff in the kitchen, washing his underarms to get the green fumes gone.
Drama just has serious issues about the toilet. You'd think she'd clean it before it got this bad, then it wouldn't be so traumatic for her. Why sit there and cry over it? Just CLEAN THE DANG THING! You know, these people are enough to drive the sanest person mad.
What is WITH the eating of the stinky food? John, really. It'll make you sick. Ah hell, no reasoning with any of them.
How heartbreaking is this. The one who I thought had the most potential, falling down and babbling like a crazy person. Wait.. what am I saying???
Ah but at least work is going well. Promoted again! I'm one step closer to my Hall of Fame status. Pity I can't get an exercise machine. Too many restrictions here.
And boy is my job tiring. Sometimes I can't help but simply pass out from sheer exhaustion after work.
Now.. why is it, that these people can't pick up trash off the floor? Then when we get the expected infestations, they cry because we have bugs. Damn. How hard is it to spray them? Leave it to me. Course roaches are so hard to find when it's dark out, and by the time I find them, half of the asylum have taken to stomping on them.
And of course, getting sick as a result. If you're going to stomp on bugs, PUT ON SHOES!
Great, now I'm sick. Just when I'm in line for a big promotion! People, you're making me crazy!!!! Oh, I gotta be careful how loud I say that.
What is with Domina being all shocked? You're the one who walked in there. People get naked when they take a bath. Get over it already. Least he isn't streaking through the house. Ooh, streaking. That's a fun idea.
Mathama doesn't look too thrilled with Spaz standing over him stinking up the place.
Five minutes after I got in the vehicle for work, guess what happens. It's not a difficult thing to guess at. Really, go on. Guess.
Mathama. Poor Poor Mathama Tix. He doesn't look too upset that his feet are on fire. Does he? The others look pretty upset, but he's got this oddly serene look on his face.
The last we'll ever see of poor Mathama. Well, I think. I've heard about haunted asylum's before. I wonder if he'll try haunting us. Poor bastard.
Fortunately the others were not too close when -everything- in the kitchen burned. Though soon as it was out, there's silly Drama, standing in the smoking pile of ash. Nobody even seems to realize that Grimmy is there. Poor John, falling to the floor, having a breakdown.
Then when Drama does the same? He calls her crazy. The nerve. I will be SO glad when I'm out of here.
While Domina cries over the loss of Mathama, John whines that Statis stinks. Statis whines that Domina stinks. You sims are seriously trying my last nerve.
Dear Diary. Today I met a chess table.......
Yeah, we don't even HAVE a chess table. Honestly I have no idea what Drama was writing about in her diary, but the moment I walked out of the bedroom, she got all freaked out, and started screaming not to look, not to look at her letters, they were -her- letters, and I couldn't have them. Whatever. I just need to work out.
Day fifteen, and I need one more body point. Just one more. Course I still need some charisma, but body is my focus right now. Just one more point.
Day nineteen. I can't take it anymore. I need that body point! Must have that body point! MUST HAVE IT. Okay, so they say I'm in here for my uncontrollable OCD behaviour. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Me? I'm so not OCD. I swear. Really. Now back to that body point...