Warning: Parties, woohoo, language, and typical legacy shenanigans
1.0 Ugg. Sims 3 hates me. First, it makes my favorite family unplayable DX and then it does this big glitchy thing that killed all of my families besides the Sherwood's (thank God). SOO I got rid of my CC. Now my game runs great :D But I had to give Liana and Spencer makeovers. Spencer looks the same, but Liana looks kinda different. So, just be prepared.
Here are our founder's doing what they do best, after their makeovers :P
While Liana throws a bachelorette party, you get a better look at her makeover.
And here is Spencer after his. He looks pretty much the same.
Liana: *rawr* "Die, foul beast!"
Spencer: *whimper*
Spencer: "Stop! ..... in the naaame of love"
Liana: "No."
Spencer: "You are very exhausting."
I didn't hear jingles....
Spencer joins the professional sports career, in hopes of reaching his LTW
Liana: "I'm. So. Happy." *creepy smile*
Spencer: *avoids eye contact*
I really love the water slide♥
And the bachelorette party begins ;) I threw it at 9am so Spencer's could be the same day.
(I cheated to give them friends so people would come to their parties. None of their friends are Spencer's partner's, though, so there is no career cheating)
Instead of going to the gym like I told Spencer to 3 TIMES, he persists to dance with Liana's friends.
Liana: " I demand you make a toast to me."
Chick: " Okay, gather round people. A toast to the biggest bitch in Sunset Valley is about to begin!"
Liana: *smiles*
Lady: "OMGOMGOMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A toast! Yay! *clapclapclap* This is gunna be great!!!!
Chick: *sprays*
Liana: AHH! :D yum!
Even weird old ladies with ugly noses are allowed to let loose sometimes!
Liana: "Hey, I'm a hot, persuasive, one star celebrity. Go flirt with that chick."
Woman: "Okay!"
^^ love is in the air
Because no party is complete without a mostly naked, old, balding stripper man.
His bald spot.... it glows!
His name was Ray Gunne. In previous families I have had "party people" named Candy Bar, Ivana Groove, and even Ben Dover.
Chick: "So, who wants to marry me? Seriously, people, I'm ACTUALLY up for grabs. I'll take anyone!"
Female: *thinks* I could really use a trophy wife like her...
Liana and Spencer: *make out*
Woman: "Mmmm *stares*
Hello? Woman? Yes, I understand the party was great, and exhausting. But get off our lawn or you'll die. Thanks!
While Spencer plans a Bachelor party, Liana finds out that she is cooking up a baby, and maybe should have been more careful with the "nectar"
Bachelor party is taking place!
Man: "I seee you!"
The strippers Barb Dwyer and... I can't remember the one on the left's name. But her first name starts with an I or something
Now it's a party!
Jared: "Let's groove!"
Jared: "OMG wall."
Jared: "And strike a pose!"
Man time = priceless
:D .......7am waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs!
I had to
Spencer needed to get fit for his job, and because of limited house space, pedestians can witness his fail.
Liana: "Why is my painting only worth $2?
I don't know! I can't imagine why your persondoghousesquirrel wouldn't sell for at least $3.
Spencer: " :O the baby just cussed!"
I will never get tired of this interaction.
So far these are all the bouquets Spencer has given Liana. ♥♥♥(:
Spencer: "I would like to give you my most prized possession.... the moldy newspaper I used to find a job."
Liana: "OMG for me??"
I used all the money they had to build this nursery. It was supposed to be both girl and boy friendly (hence the pink and blue..), but it looks a tad to girly to me.
Throwing a wedding party! I want them to be married before the child comes (which looks like it could be any second from now)
Teaser? I think yes!
The guest's do not seem to understand the the chairs are for sitting.
The new interaction getting frisky is kinda cute(:
Spencer cuts the cake by himself. Why?
THAT'S why
Meet Tegan! She loves the outdoors, and is absent-minded. The likes the color blue, sushi, french music and is a cancer.
I decided I wanted to try the new daycare career, so I put Liana in charge of that.
And after that..........
These are the two kiddos Liana has to watch! I believe the on who's head is impaling the door is Adrienne and the one on the floor is Dax.
Meanwhile, TEGAN GOT AN IMAGINARY FRIEND IN THE MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you don't know how they work, toddlers spend time building relationships with the dolls, and then when the become children they are imaginary friends!
We also got wedding presents in the mail. I sold the drums along with a small painting, but kept both the trampoline and the stereo.
Although daycare was fun, it was uneventful. So I didn't take any pictures, and we skip ahead to later that night. Tegans birthday!
Can you say ADORABLE????! I loooooove that hat!
I got tired of squeezing everything in to three rooms, so I added an extra room to put extra crap in :D
Please ignore the fact that Spencer is taking a balding Tegan on a stroll in his underwear, and focus on the adorable stroller stroll-ness!
I named the imaginary friend Maggie, after my childhood imaginary friend (: now enjoy some good ol' fashined spam (:
Cuteness this cute should be illegal
Spencer: "Can you say beat to death with a rolling pin?"
Tegan: "Bweat to def wit a wolling pwin?"
Spencer: "That's my girl!"
Spencer: "Can you say s-"
Let's move on to something else, shall we?
I fixed Tegan's hair(:
Aaaand more wedding presents! There were two other paintings which I sold, along with both of these. That gave us $10,000, so it's house makeover time!
All I really did was expand each room, but this house is sooooooooooooo much easier to live in.
Liana: "Can you say addicted to cough medicine?"
Tegan: "Addicted to cough medicines!"
And I leave you with a picture of Liana's baby bump!
Thanks for reading! Comments and criticisms are appreciated! Hope you enjoyed!