Because I am ahead in the game, updates come pretty quickly, though I am trying to make them slightly apart. Also, they are going to start getting bigger. This one is about 60 images the next two which are ready (as far as editing goes) are about 100... so yes... it increases. But for now..
:D ENjoy.
Despite the last picture, Virginia does manage to find the crib.
Virginia: So, since I gave birth to your son, I think you owe me.
(p.s. The icon is for the fashion interest, which is what 99.99% of Sims in my Pleasantview are obsessed with.)
Autonomous breastfeed! Coolest Hack Ever.
Virginia GENTLY throws her son on the floor. But it is GENTLE!
I built them a pond because they all get the "FISH" want in Summer and Fall and it is easier than loading a community lot.
It is a TIME BOMB!
Edric is a little cutie (this is pre-makeover).
Edric instantly wins a place in my heart as the ONLY toddler EVER to be potty trained the VERY first time he was put on the potty!
Virginia: Holy freaking crap my child is a prodigy!
POP 1!
Edric (post-makeover) is so cute, and his daddy loves him, so much!
Quentyn adopts Swyft back, now that they have a child and I will get to see the toddler cuddles!
Virginia: Oh god my kid is disgusting. +++
This set up you will be seeing frequently. I like pictures like this.
He may be gross, but she will still teach him to walk.
I love the look on her face. She's all "Christ that water looks hot, well in you go!"
Edric: Your silly antics amuse me not, disembodied rabbit head.
OH GOD SHE IS DEFORMED... aheh... Pop 2 :D
I find that I often get better at fishing while walking in the dark.
It is good to know that Quentyn, at least, has good sense.
And manages to finish teaching Edric how to walk.
The proof is in the picture.
What could possibly make Quentyn smile?
The tortured screams of another Sim... nice.
It is a girl! Loreza Reed. She has Quentyn's Hair, Virginia's eyes and skin tone.
Quentyn is happy about it.
Do you ever wonder what they actually mean? "Is it mine?"
Swyft stalks his prey...
But Quentyn snatches her up and cuddles her (My mean sim is a cuddle muffin. He is all Babiez r4 cuddlez!)
Hey Cory, I noticed you've got Loreza there... um... she is not yours!
Quentyn: You know me!
Birthday Time!
Here is another cute picture, you know, in case things change...
V's expression worries me.
Pre-makeover Edric
Post-makeover Edric. He is generic looking... Good Enough for Me :P
Thus begins the OMGChess! Obsession.
This picture is only here because Quentyn set a place for someone other than himself! Normally he will make a meal, set the platter down and grab a plate for just himself.
Hungry Smelly Baby on Floor? Play Red Hands!
(p.s. I always think it looks like V is stepping on Loreza)
He has one more nice point than his father, and cheats everyone.
If I had to throw a baby in the air, I might hold my breath too.
Baby Air Ballet!
Oh she's a little hottie.
It is here where you will notice, everyone gets a birthday makeover, NEED IT OR NO!
Playing chess alone often causes pain?
Edric: Oh God, please don't let me lose against myself!
Moment of truth comes, and Loreza is not as awesome as Edric, she requires almost all four days before becoming potty trained...
While her brother maxes out his Logic skill on his second day of childhood (only on the second day because he had to sleep).
But Edric knows what is actually important.
COP wins! Not that anything had been taken yet, but still.
Edric: Robbery! Freakin' Sweet!
What is this, Take Your Daughter To Work Day?
Here it ends! Will Loreza be stuck in Congress for all eternity! Will Virginia's glitch cause the downfall of Reed Gen 2? Tune in Next Time, for THIS answer and MORE!