Truly sorry to those of you that submitted secrets already and lost them to the recent asshattery of the comm. There are many butthurt people out there, folks.
If you have the url to your secret, please don't hesitate to resubmit. For discussion of the situation, there are two posts in the comm already for it, so please contain it there.
The Rules
1) Suggested secret size is 600x450 pixels. Maximum size is
600x600 pixels.
2) Comments are screened, but please submit secrets anonymously.
3) Host your images as, preferably. If it goes against tinypic's TOS you can host it elsewhere. Please provide the URL to the actual picture, nothing else. You don't need to code it (and LJ doesn't use BB code, so stop it). Just paste the "Direct link for layouts" into the comment box.
4) Further rules/recommendation are listed on the
community info page.