Rule changes

Oct 26, 2010 11:50

In light of the anti-bullying measures that are taking place pretty much everywhere, the mods at simsecret have made some changes to the rules.

We're not okay with secrets that bully, and will no longer be including them in the secrets post. It can be difficult to determine where the line is, between hate and bullying, but we will do our best to get it right.

So what's okay and what's not? You might be familiar with the debating technique of "attack the idea, not the person", which is one we feel is important to use and remember when making secrets.

Let's pretend that this picture is of a sim in an outfit someone has created and made it available to download.

This questions the item, without attacking the creator. This is acceptable.

This one attacks the creator, their talent and their creations. This isn't acceptable.

It is still possible to have interesting and varied secrets without resorting to bullying and cheap and nasty shots. We're not saying that the secrets should all be love secrets, but secret makers will need to keep in mind that bullying is not okay. If we feel your secret crosses the line, we will let you know why. If in doubt, ask.

mod post

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