Prosperity Challenge - 9.1 (Days/Years 25-27 - Burkett)

Aug 23, 2008 11:28

Round 9 starts now! All the original Winterfell kids are all grown up and out of college. First up is Alvin Burkett, who moved back home with his robot, Jonathan. Oh, and here's where I installed Pets and Seasons!

Alvin knew the business had been doing well while he was in school, but he hadn't realized how well off he truly was until he went over the numbers. He was by far the richest citizen in Winterfell. He would never have to work a day in his life if he didn't want to.

As it turned out, Alvin was far too ambitious and active to be satisfied with a life of leisure. He joined up with the military, where his college degree, mechanical skills, and determination allowed him to start rising rapidly through the ranks.

Jonathan kept his focus on keeping the customers happy, and they nearly always were.

That's not to say that things always ran smoothly...

Jonathan also started a garden, where he raised some sickly looking tomatoes.

Rochell stopped by one day, to Alvin's surprise. They hadn't spoken since he'd tried to warn her about Eli. She told him that she still didn't like him, but that she appreciated what he'd tried to do at the time. Then she left, and he didn't hear from her after that.

Life was good, and Alvin was richer than ever. But he had to admit, living with a house full of robots and customers was getting a bit lonely. Maybe it was time to pay more attention to the maid, Chris. She never had much to do, what with Jonathan's incessant scrubbing of every surface in the house.

Bonus pictures:

My jaw DROPPED when I saw this. Here's Gwen and Glen Thigpen. Gwen is married to Glen's brother-in-law, Emanuel, who hates Glen's guts. Gwen herself hates Glen's guts, and is always furious with him. They've attacked each other many times. But here they are, committing adultery in the hot tub. I guess hate and love really are two sides of the same coin...

Van scared Shena, and she peed herself. Haha! Van's ghost is really pissed after I put his bed in someone's inventory. I tried putting it back, but he doesn't recognize it as his anymore, and he's after the customers constantly.

chris, prosperity challenge, burkett, jonathan, alvin, rochell

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