Real life is kind of crazy in a bad way right now, but I do want to get some more posts out. This might be short.
Sometimes Ria felt like everything was unraveling. She and Amar barely spoke to each other these days; all of their time was taken up with work or raising Eliseo.
Even when they were all together, it never really felt like they were together.
Occasionally, she'd try flirting with Amar, thinking that they owed it to Eliseo to at least try. Amar's response was always half-hearted.
But most of the time, Eliseo's demands took precedence over her concerns about her marriage.
Eventually, Eliseo was old enough to attend school, opening up Ria and Amar's schedules considerably.
And yet somehow, they still never managed to spend much time together.
Thigpen 2
Emanuel wasn't having the best luck. The kitchen fire was bad enough.
Fortunately, help arrived quickly, and no permanent damage was done.
But then a bad business decision (the restaurants in theme parks idea had seemed like such a sure thing!) cost his family all of their money, to the point that the nanny was so angry about not being paid that she started claiming household objects.
It was right around then that Gwen declared she'd be taking the family finances into her own hands. Her career as a politician was going really well, and helped the family get out of the financial hole relatively quickly.
She also opened a store selling beds and telescopes, and ran it out of the yard. For reasons Emanuel didn't understand (beds and telescopes, really?), the store was fairly successful right away.
He tried to tell her everyday how much he admired her business sense and how much he appreciated what she'd done for the family.
Meanwhile, Denae was growing up well. She was helpful...
and, her parents liked to think, artistic.
Gwen told Emanuel that she also seemed to be noticing boys already, to his alarm.
-ACR is responsible for both of Ria and Amar's affairs. What could I do but roll with it?
-It turns out Eliseo is the kid who calls everyone in the neighborhood wanting to chat.
-I thought Emanuel was going to die in that fire - it was a glitch, the stove never even caught, just him. I was yelling "No....Manny!!!" I didn't even know I thought of him as Manny until then.
-He lost $50,000 on a chance card. Fortunately, they only had about $3000 to lose at the time...and yeah, the nanny took the toilet. Thanks.