The Frost Legacy 2.2

Feb 06, 2011 16:19

In our last episode: Aggie grew in to an adorable child, as did Fei, who managed to out-Moonbeam Moonbeam on the sociopathic scale.  For real.  Her hobbies include smashing the urn that holds Moonbeam's remains and daydreaming of ways to wipe her sister off the face of the planet.  Evil.
Please note: If my humour is a little.... off... please forgive me.  I'm quitting smoking.  I'm on day four without smoking (and doing very well and proud of myself for getting over the crucial first three days without incident - yay me!).  However, I'm irritable and out of sorts.  So, I apologise in advance for jokes that aren't funny, or anything else....

Plenty of affection in this marriage.  It really is just a "behind closed doors" kind of love.  Shy and sweet.  So adorable.

I don't know what I'd do without Monique's "auto do homework" mod.  It's totally not cheating in an ISBI, by the way.  At least, in my opinion.  They won't do it if they're not "in the mood" and they only get one chance a day.  If they don't finish it, too bad.  Definitely not cheating.  And it saves the controllable a bunch of boredom in ridiculous "help with homework" timesuckage...

She enjoys it.  I swear.

Nellie: "Psst, can you believe that guy behind you is still lusting after me after all these years?  I'd swear he's entertaining delusions that I still might choose to marry him..."
Rupert: "Hey - I can hear you, you know!"

The gorgeous Oralia Vuorinen by Kayleigh, who was jogging and enjoying the warm weather in her smashing tutu.  Win.  This is why I love this game.  In real life, I have never seen anyone jog in a tutu.  And that's a real tragedy.

Llama: "What are you reading about?"
Did I mention that the stalking never stopped beginning?

Time to see how the youngest heir candidate turns out.....
Llama: "Ugh, something stinks!"
Fei: "She's gonna be cuter than me, isn't she?" *bawls*

Lizbeth.  The only Frost of her generation without elf ears.  A pity.

Still, the girl is gonna have a lot of creativity points.  I don't think she ever left her mini drum kit alone for her entire toddlerhood.

Lizbeth's was not the only birthday, however...

Aggie.  Isn't she the cutest thing?

Seriously, despite the fact that she's clearly never going to grow in to that chin/lip combination, she's really cute, huh?

Llama cooked for the first time ever.  She's been with the family... oh, I don't know, around 14 years or so... and this is the first time she's ever cooked.  Amazing.

Aggie: "Why does Mom have to take us to Pirate Beach?  It's oh, so lame and it's for little kids!"
She wants to fish.  You've never left the house aside from school until now.  Be grateful she's taking you anywhere.  Geez!

At least Fei is eager to explore....
Note: Pirate Beach is a work in progress.  I've since taken out those porta-pottys by Ja, as they have broken coding or something, which I had no idea of until recently, and don't actually work as toilets (sims go in, come out immediately with no change to their bladder level, repeat until simmer is insane).  So yeah, I actually spend part of last night editing it, building a proper restroom, getting rid of the popcorn vending machine, which didn't fit in.  It's still not done.  It needs some terrain paint on the path down to the beach, for one thing.  Yup, tweaking is still required.  But this was the first playtest, so it may still eventually make it in to being a lot for download.  Who knows.  It's pretty light on CC, which is always a good thing with a lot for upload, right?

After about an hour, Aggie grudgingly stopped standing in the middle of the street and entered the actual lot...

Fei: "Hey Aggie, want to hear something shocking?"
Aggie: "Go bug someone else.  I'm moontanning."

Ahh, the pirate ship.  I was very disappointed though - I didn't see the ghost even once!

Fei: "Argh, I'll have your guts for garters, so I will!"
Yay.  Someone seems to be having fun.  Yup, dark pictures are dark.  Deal with it.

Nellie: "Finally, a fish!"
Robert: Please say hello to me....
He stood there and stalked her with trying to greet for like, five hours while she fished.

Dinnertime.  Aggie let me know very subtly that Pirate Beach needed restrooms complete with communal showers.  I have since complied.

Panda + Teddy: "Nooo!  We only want to be loved!"

Roasting marshmallows on a huge bonfire = nerve wracking!  Although, one would have completely hairless arms afterwards, am I right?

Fei: "I am the Dread Pirate Roberts!"
Yes.  Yes, you are.

Nellie even got in on some pirate ship action.  She does make a good pirate, what with her aversion to shoes....

Mrs Crumplebottom: "How dare you appear in swimwear on a public beach!  Have you no shame?!"
Aggie: "Apparently not."

See!!!??  She chooses to do it!  Every single time!

Aggie, like many romance sims, enjoys ball handling.  Yup.  I went there.

Heather by xie_belle.  Sporting a lipstick that looked way better on her when I originally threw her in my game under previous alien defaults.  Yup.  I'll fix that if she marries in anywhere.  Or if any of my sims ever have a desire for a makeover chair again.

Toddler dancing interlude.  Because there were multiple cameos to get through.  Sorry.  First time appearances of other people's sims - I can't control when they happen!

Llama brought home Eleonora by niloublue with her from work.  Gorgeous even in her hideous work uniform, no?

And not ten seconds later, Sonya Novak by pennysims dropped by.  I'm still not 100% happy with my decoration of her.  I really don't feel I did her justice.  I don't know.  Anyway, I think she's lovely, and with such fierce eyebrows!

I guess all these lovely townies knew it was a special occasion.....

Ariadne by needlecream.  Breathtaking!

Teen Fei.  I squee'd.  Two gorgeous teen girls.  Even if Lizbeth doesn't turn out pretty (though I'm sure she will), I think this generation's heir poll will be one fierce competition.

Fei: That skank.  I should punch that stupid smile off her ridiculous face!

Aggie: Why does she hate me so much?
I don't know.  Just enjoy your smustle time, sweetie.

Fei: "Excuse me?  Stop focusing on Miss Vanilla Blonde and pay attention to me - the underdog!"
Uh-huh.  Because you totally never get any screentime, do you?  LOL forever at the attention whore tactics of Fei.  Because they are constant.

Llama apparently wants to make up for lost mothering time by reading Aggie to sleep.  I know, I was confused too...

Fei: She's focusing on Aggie again!  I hate her so much! *can has bathroom spazz-out!*

Fei: *bes a walking cliché with her Harry Potter fangirlism*

A very pretty cliché, though....

Fei: "I hope she can see this because I'm doing it as hard as I possibly can..."
(She or he who can name the above quote reference wins an internet.... a shiny one....)

Fei: "I hate how you think Aggie is such a golden little princess.  She's not.  She's a whore who gives up her milkshake to every guy she sees!"

Nellie: "Now, sweetie, I've never seen her even kiss a guy, let alone give up her milkshake to one.... honey?"
Fei: *can no longer stay awake purely on the steam of her own rage*

Have I mentioned Aggie has developed a passion for drumming?  Because she has.  She's actually the only Frost to ever even notice their existence, and they've been there since just after Ticky died, when Nellie inexplicably wanted to purchase them....

Don't let that studious expression fool you.  She's flunking out hard.

Child Lizbeth: *bes fancy*

Lizbeth: "I'm practicing my scream queen horror movie victim look.  Is it working?"
I think you just like hanging out in the dark backyard where I can't take good pictures of you...
Lizbeth: "But is it working?"

Look at that devious little face!  *squishes!*

Fei: "Mom, please make her stop drumming."
Nellie: "Why would I want to do that?  She's not hurting anybody..."
Fei: "But she sucks so bad!  It's painful!"
Not true.  She's actually getting much better.  But yes, it was painful for a while there....

Nellie, trying to convince you all that she's Mother Of The Year.  Well, perhaps with Lizbeth she is.  Lizbeth is the only Frost child of her generation to ever age up well, at all.  Both Aggie and Fei have aged up badly every birthday, but Lizbeth - she's just happy!

Aggie: "What did you do that for?"
Fei: "Your drumming sucks - stick to being a whorebag groupie or something."
Richelle: "Oh, the drama of this house!  I love it so!"

Fei.  She likes to paint, but only when Aggie has a painting in progres she can destroy, then make her own.  For real.

She also still spends many an hour being cold and calculating practicing chess.

... and if there's ever a moment to spare in her busy schedule, you can be sure she's starting an all-in brawl with Aggie, and getting her ass kicked for it.  She still loses every single time.  I don't know why she bothers....

The mischievous pranking spirit of Moonbeam = Still Alive & Well in Lizbeth <3 <3 <3

Llama: "Honey, you awake?"
Nellie: "Mmmm?"
Llama: "I love you...."
Nellie: "Mmmm....." *snore*

Aggie: "Did you see me kick Fei's babygoth butt yesterday, Mom?  It was so sweet."
Nellie: "I really can't condone it.  You're the oldest - you should learn to just walk away and not get dragged in to a childish brawl now..."

Nellie finally got a start in her LTW career!  Finally!

Nellie also took the two older girls on another family outing to celebrate her newfound employment.  This time it was the Legacyville Pool, which I built just two days ago.
Note: Legacyville Pool is also a work in progress, but it's also kind of special.  It's strongly based on the swimming pool I went to as a child.  Of course, I don't have all the right content to make it "perfect", and I haven't been the the real life swimming pool in more than 15 years so parts of my memory are hazy, but I'm pretty pleased all in all.  It's a great recreation and I'm proud of it - it has the same feel and the bathroom/changing area is equally as creepy as the real life counterpart was.

Equally as creepy as the real life counterpart!  As a child I hated it if I had to go to the bathroom and the changing room area was empty.  It was so freakin' scary - I can't begin to tell you!

Ewww.  Look at the gaping wounds on your fingers - that can't be sanitary!
Yeah, my real life swimming pool did not have a diner.  It had a small tuck shop that sold sweets and ice creams.  But I wanted somewhere for sims to actually eat, so improvisation ruled....

Aggie approves.  Or perhaps it's just the fact that there are teenage boys at the pool that makes her smile so much.

Fei does something I was never brave enough to do and showers in the creepy restrooms.  However, at least the water is hot in the sims version of this swimming pool.  The showers in the real life version only had cold water.

Even when relaxing and stopping to smell the grass, hatred of her sister is never far from Fei's mind....

She also strongly disapproves of the swimming pool's abundance of life preservers - makes it too hard to conveniently drown Aggie!

.... still, she did enjoy plenty of solitary time among the trees (but had no interest in swimming...)

She even decided to cook her first ever meal.  And didn't start a fire.  Yay!  Go Fei!

Sampson: "Why don't I get a hot dog?"
Fei: I only make hot dogs for cool people.
Fei = A cold elitist bitch whom I adore.  Yup.

Fei: "Does it taste okay, Oralia?  It was sort of my first time cooking... anything..."
Oralia: *is way too polite to tell her it's burned and crispy*

Aggie had a nice peaceful swim without a single fight with her sister.  I think the outing was a smashing success.

Psst! Fei - I know a certain sim in Legacyville who'd be perfect for you....
Fei: "If he's not Harry, I'm not interested."
Oh, he's as close as makes no difference, I promise.... in his mind, he is Harry.... *snickers*

Nellie: "Nooo!  Don't take pictures of my fail!"
I almost died.  Eeeep!  This is the last time I have Nellie finish cooking what I assumed were pancakes sitting in a mixing bowl on the counter.  She is not adept at crepes suzette yet.  Not even close.

Thank goodness for fire alarms and the speedy services of Zachariah the fireman.
Milja: *about faints clean away from the drama*

This is Lizbeth's idea of showering....

Torch Holders - 2/10
Abductions - 0
Accidental Deaths - 2
Fights - 10
Fires - 1
Pass Outs - 38
Permaplat Sims - 0
Repo Man Visits - 0
Self Wettings - 22
Shrink Visits - 2
Social Bunny Visits - 0
Social Worker Visits - 0

Llama Fauna belongs to dorkasaur_sims.
Oralia Vuorinen belongs to Kayleigh.
Robert Arvonen belongs to Miss Tiikeri.
Heather belongs to xie_belle.
Eleonora belongs to niloublue.
Sonya Novak belongs to pennysims.
Ariadne belongs to needlecream.
Storm King belongs to charterzard.
Syria belogs to mikelisryker.
Milja Novak belongs to pennysims.

isbi, legacies, challenges

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