Signals From Strangetown

Jan 20, 2011 15:44

I apologise for there being so few pictures in this update.  You see, I got distracted by my game having a sudden new problem.  It actually happened yesterday when I was playing the Kim family, but at the time I thought it was a bug specific to that family.  Turns out not.  All of a sudden, Ingelogical's hack that allows all toddlers to escape from cribs stopped working.  The last time I remember it working was last time I played the Fennells, and the only things it could possibly be are that I took out TwoJeff's Computer Fixes or that it's somehow related to Rebecah's Rideable Bike.  So I've taken the bike out and put the computer fixes mod back in, as well as replacing the crib escape mod file with the still zipped up version in my Mod Backup folder.  I pray like hell it fixes it.  I hate having toddlers screaming to be let out of their cribs all the time, let me tell you!  This playsession became torture and I was too annoyed to enjoy taking pictures after Pierre aged up.
When we last saw the Ramaswamis: Jessie insisted on constantly pretending she had no food in her bowl, Priya started work on her first novel and Pierre was born.

Jessie has proved not to be jealous of little Pierre at all, but overly protective of him instead.  Kobe the stray cat came in and hissed at Pierre and Jessie immediately let it be known that nobody hisses at her "baby brother"!
Kobe: Help!!!

Jessie is a slow learner but Sanjay is adamant that she will learn every trick in the doggie book eventually.

Priya.  I gave her and Sanjay makeovers.  I'm not sure about that hair on her, but at least it doesn't eat in to her brow like her previous hair did...

Sanjay is just as devoted a father as I thought he'd be.  It's him that gets up for midnight feedings and diaper changes, every single time.

Jessie: Can I play with the hippopotumus?  Can I?  Please??
Hells yes!  If the house wasn't so small, I'd have your family adopt her.  She's hilarious awesome!

The strange dog who lives in the mirror is still giving Jessie a hard time...

Despite being a lady who craves her beauty sleep, Priya is a good mother.  She just prefers to do her mothering in the light of day...

Neil: "Are you sure hetero guys dance like this?"
Sanjay: "Loosen up, man.  This isn't the dark ages!"

Priya has indeed decided to finish that novel she started whilst pregnant.  It's a children's book and she's become keen to have it published and delivered so she can read it to Pierre when he's a little bigger.

Sanjay: "Do you think Pierre will even remember that I threw him a birthday party?"
Pfft!  You're the one who wanted to throw it.  Don't be looking at me....

Pierre: Why does Daddy want me to wear a suit?  I'm only two!
I guess he wants you to grow up to be just like him, sweetheart....  This has to be the worst combination of his parents ever.  I've been to the GOS Maxis Spawn thread.  I've seen the beautiful children Sanjay and Priya can produce.  Yet what do I get?  Huge eyebags, Sanjay's gigantic misshaped nose and Priya's "no chin at all" chin.  Yup.  Poor Pierre.  Apparently it wasn't bad enough that he got an incorrectly geneticized skintone in relation to my default S4.  Again, poor Pierre.

Pierre would like everybody to know that he does not want to use the potty like a big boy.  Just look at the thinly veiled hatred in those little eyes!

What else happened?
Priya became friends with Jessie.
Priya became friends with Juan Harris (a BV townie).
Sanjay threw a successful party.
Priya gained 3 creativity points.
Sanjay became friends with Neil Jalowitz (a townie).
Sanjay threw a successful birthday party for Pierre.
Priya gained membership to Desirable Discourse.
Pierre gained a logic point.
Priya finished her first novel.  It wasn't a bestseller, but it wasn't a flop either.
Sanjay became best friends with Neil Jalowitz (a townie).
Pierre became friends with Jessie.

signals from strangetown, priya ramaswami, sanjay ramaswami, pierre ramaswami

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