Not a sim. For once. I made this absolutely forever ago, actually. And I love it, though I've still yet to have a single sim wearing it! I hope you guys will enjoy it too....
Peggy 4147. I love this mesh so hard. However, I hate what it does on teens (usually). If you've ever put a teen in any version of this hair apart from SnowWhite's Liegen'd version, you'll know what I'm talking about. The ribbon down the back flying halfway across the screen unless you're zoomed really far out, anybody? Yeah, you've seen it. SnowWhite's version doesn't seem to do that, so I nabbed her alpha for my Pooklet'd version. There's no long ribbon in back of mine either.
I know the texture on the headband stretches at one point near the top. Take a closer look at any previous textures of this hair you might have lying around - it's the mesh that does it! I thought it was minor enough that I could still have houndstooth (which is like, my favourite pattern in the whole world, in case you're wondering...)
Right. Basic info time. It works for all ages.
It comes in all of Pooklet's naturals and neons.
The elder greys are linked to the blacks. Elders can still enjoy custom neons, however.
Files are clearly labelled. Mesh is included.
Title Reference.
Peggy for the mesh,
SnowWhite for the alpha,
Pooklet for the hair textures and color actions and
Google Images for the houndstooth pattern, which I spent a lot of time making seamless and editing out Copyright logos.
Policy: Do what you like, but please credit me if you put them on your sims for upload. Yes, a clean installer cap is perfectly fine.
Thanks also go to:
Sunday for modelling Grenade.
Beth Love for modelling C-4.
Vivacia for modelling Dynamite.
Susan Lambourn for modelling Noxious.
Josie Cave for modelling Blasting Agent.
Lissa Pearce for modelling Flammable.
Ash McGee for modelling Toxicity.
Tottie for modelling Pyrotechnic.
All models are either made by me or born in my own game.