Welcome back to New Bedlam Asylum! Here are the highlights of Day Six:
Molly is not taking the death of "Harry" very well...
Scotty: "Hello? Anyone? Pretty sleepy right here!"
You're sitting on a bench. You could.... oh, I don't know.... nap!
Norabelle: Why am I the only person who cleans up around here?
Actually, that was the coffee cup "Harry" was drinking out of just seconds before he died. He can't exactly clean it up now...
Norabelle: That's no excuse for being slovenly.
Evil Pizza Dude Of Doom: I'mma charge these loonies twice!
He totally did. Twice. For the same pizza. Which actually spelled disaster, as you're about to find out...
Heavily Pregnant Molly + Pizza = True Love
You see, while the pizza was on it's way, Norabelle ordered groceries to the exact amount (minus about 2 simoleons) that would be left in her account after the pizza... and so, she didn't have enough to pay the grocery delivery guy....
Adonis (yeah, seriously!): *waits until Norabelle has safely stowed the groceries in the fridge, then promptly reposesses the fridge!*
Of course, since he didn't actually take most of her money, she could afford one of the very cheapest fridges, but still. That sucked so hard!
Norabelle: This better be the best damn pizza I ever ate, what with the price...
It wasn't.
The day's volunteers were all random, game generated townies. No cameos today, I'm afraid.
However, hey there, Jeremy! I haven't even seen you since like, generation one of the Fennells. 'Sup.
Scotty: "I just had a horrible nightmare. I had to spend eternity locked in an asylum with my best friends."
It happened! She made it! Yay Molly!
Molly: I hate you!
Molly: Something isn't right here....
Yeah, that skintone (or maybe Molly's) is geneticized in completely the wrong place. I'll fix the geneticization later. I wasn't about to quit without saving when I hadn't saved since I started playing. Regardless....
It's a girl! Meet Darla. "Harry's" hair, Molly's eyes and the aforementioned wrongly geneticized skintone.
Molly: *bes selfless and feeds her newborn even though she herself is starving*
Unfortunately for Molly, Tottie popped out to finish her off...
Scotty: "Don't look, Darla. Here, have a bottle. Just don't look. Shhhh, it's alright. I'll take care of you..."
Norabelle was at work. No chance to plead for Molly.
Tottie: "Miss me, big boy?"
Scotty: "Gah!"
It turns out that Scotty is by far the smartest inmate. Not only is he the only one left alive, but every time Tottie scares him, he immediately eats a whole slice of pizza. Sometimes two.
Poor Darla.
Scotty: She's in the urn behind me, isn't she?
Scotty: I don't care that she's dead and angry. Who wouldn't be angry? I still love her, you know....
It's true. ACR tells me Scotty still only has eyes for Tottie.
Norabelle: Why is nobody here to congratulate me? I got my first promotion, you know...
Everybody but Scotty is dead. And guess what - you get to take care of a newborn!
Norabelle: *sigh*
I figured it wouldn't be too cheaty to spend Norabelle's promotion money on the cheapest possible crib and changing table.
Scotty: Tottie made me lose bladder control about two hours ago... *sigh*
Darla: That's no reason to leave me lying on the cold kitchen floor!
Scotty is very paternal towards Darla. She may be the orphan of two dead asylum inmates, but she's definitely getting love...
Man, I hope a genie lamp is imminent! Or that at least Scotty survives!