Today I also played the Lothario family in Pleasantview. I haven't played them in years. Literally. Not since long before I started this journal. The Lothario house used to crash my game before my computer upgrades, and though I hadn't completely forgotten them, I'd grown accustomed to avoiding them. Then when I was playing the Starchild family the other day, Kaylynn walked by heavily pregnant, and I realized I should probably play them again....
Don was anxious not to end up with Cassandra Goth, and so he got out of the engagement gradually. He started fight after fight with Cassandra until they both were sick of the sight of one another. Then he broke it off. She was still mad, but at least her feelings weren't hurt as badly as they would have been had she caught him philandering. He chose his maid, Kaylynn Langerak for his bride. The two are expecting the arrival of their firstborn. Don works in the slacker career as a Convenience Store Clerk and Kaylynn gave up her job as a maid in favour of a job in the criminal career as a Bookie. They also own a kitten, Bonkers. (Yes, I'm aware I played two families in two seperate hoods on the same day that were that hood's particular adoptive families of Bonkers.... total coincidence!)
Due to the relationship ending before Don and Kaylynn's marriage, Cassandra is not adverse to spending time with Kaylynn. They are on amiable terms and though they're not quite friends yet, Kaylynn has never had any trouble convincing Cassandra to come over. She still can't stand the sight of Don, though.
At long last! It's a girl! Meet Mama. Black hair, green eyes and a geneticized skintone.
Note: Why would I name a baby Mama of all things? I have this weird OCD compulsion when it comes to Maxian hood families. I like my Maxis sims to name their children after their own grandparents if they happen to have any in their family trees. Regardless of what their names may have been and how stupid they are. (Even more obsessive of me, I have a system on which sim's set of grandparents go first in the naming, as well as whether it will be after their maternal or paternal grandparents... please don't judge me, I really can't help myself!) Hence there are actually two Mama's in Pleasantview, both daughters to Don. Rest assured they will both eventually grow in to their names....
Kaylynn is very pleased to be able to fit in to her maid dress again! Don finds it so appealing that she can't help but indulge him. She's long since stopped feeling silly.
Mama scored the same nanny as Murdoch Starchild. Calista is not as fond of her as she is of her other charge, however. She'd rather just leave her on the hard, cold floor.
Kaylynn has executed a smooth introduction between Cassandra and a townie named Jace Macarevich. They hit it off right away! And even had some very intimate time in the hot tub under the stars. I'm so happy for Cassandra!
Not only does Mama share a nanny with Murdoch Starchild, she also has the exact same baby toys! (Yeah, I really like that design....)
Don is a man of passions. Whenever there's something he wants, he pursues it with all of his energy. This week it happens to be working out!
Don: "You know, I thought being a parent would be terrible, but it's not......"
You were already a parent, Don. You have two other daughters to Nina Caliente. You know that as well as I do. You've met them. You've spent time at their home. And yet you never call them or have any interest in getting to know them. Don't go thinking you're father of the year.....
Don: "But she tricked me.... I thought she was on the pill...."
Pfft! Like Don Lothario would ever even bother to ask that question before woohoo!
Jimmy: *gets noisemaker happy*
Kaylynn: *cringes* "Those things are so loud..."
Kaylynn: "Ugh! This is so gross!"
I would think you'd be used to it, being a former maid....
Kaylynn: "But I gave up being a maid! Can't we hire somebody to do this?"
You can't afford it. Not yet, anyway....
Mama is so freakin' cute! Bonkers shared a birthday with her, and the two are proving inseperable.
Caution: Toddler spam throughout most of the rest of this update!
Bonkers: Why me?
Kaylynn: I sure hope Don likes my new look.... *worry*
Don has no such doubts about his new look! Don Lothario doesn't do doubt....
Bonkers: "Gonna getcha!"
Mama is a very musical young lady. Perhaps we have a future rock goddess on our hands?
Daniel: I think I'd better get out of here before Mary Sue wonders where I've gone....
Kaylynn hasn't been able to give up her affair with Daniel Pleasant. Whenever Don is at work and she has the day off, she immediately wants to call him! She finds him irrisistible though. Gingers are her thing. I can sympathize. They're my thing too....
Bonkers: I'll shred every piece of furniture in this house the moment I get free.....
Kaylynn: "Awww, you're such a good boy, Bonkers! Coming out in the snow to use your litterbox. Very good boy!"
Bonkers: *purrrrr!*
I squee'd a little when I realized that I finally have a winter toddler who wears the snowflake jammies! You're win, Mama!
Very win. This girl is gonna break some hearts in her lifetime, don't you think?
What else happened?
Don discovered his One True Hobby. It's fitness.
Don gained 9 body points.
Don became fit.
Kaylynn became friends with Bonkers.
Don gained membership to Platinum Gym.
Kaylynn learned anger management.
Mama gained a creativity point.
Don had an okay date with Nina Caliente.
Question for you guys. I've been thinking of no longer naming these Maxis hood entries as Gameplay: Date. And just calling them Postcards In Pleasantview or similar without any dates. Opinions?