Adopt-a-Sim! - Logan

Sep 11, 2010 01:29

Since I can't sleep (clown will eat me!) I decided to upload Logan for you all to abuse enjoy.  Logan is one of the uncontrollable inmates of my New Bedlam Asylum.  Therefore I don't actually remember his personality, and I'm a terrible rule following Izza, so I feel like I'd be cheating if I went in to SimPE to look at his stats just so I could list them (because then I'd know stuff...)  Sure, I knew a couple of things the day I created my inmates, but it's been long enough that I truly don't remember anymore.  If you're unfamiliar with Logan, click here for many more pictures!  In lieu of stats, as with the other inmates I've shared I will included the list of his "problems" below.



Policy: Do what you like, but do not claim him as your own creation.  I'd love to see what he (or any of my other sims) is up to in your own games.  You definitely aren't required to tell me though.
If you have any issues installing him, please try using Sims2Pack Installer.  I use the Mansions + Gardens version of Bodyshop to package my sims, and sometimes this causes issues when trying to install a sim if you don't have that SP.  None of my sims require Mansions + Gardens, I promise!

creations, complete sims, am, downloads, asylum 2010

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