The Frost Legacy 1.1

Jun 04, 2010 08:31

In our last episode: Moonbeam met and fell in love with Ticky Telling, whom she later made her wife, Ticky was less than idiot like in her ability to keep the house spotless and the two were expecting their first baby.

Moonbeam: "Tyrell.... I'm glad you agreed to come over... I think we need to sit down and sort out our differences...."
Now, I have no idea how this came to pass, but it seems that sometime while I was playing the Fennells, Moonbeam came to hate Tyrell (known sometimes as Tyrell #2, one of Carrie Fennell's many lovers!) so much that she wished to wipe him off the face of the planet.  And so, she hatched a plan to lock him in the bathroom and slowly starve him to death.  I never realized my little Moonbeam was a sociopath, but I really should have.  All the signs were there.  Her ability to make people like her and do whatever she wants, her random fits of pointless rage, her revelling in painful pranks.  It all makes sense.

Tyrell: "Bahaha!  Good one, Moonbeam.  You can let me out now..."

Vivacia: "I wonder why they have two doors to that room.  That's just... weird..."
Ticky: *snore*
They have two doors because I didn't want to sell the bathroom door when they only had $1 in the bank.  They do eventually want a seperate bathroom again!

Papoose!  Long time no see!  (See, I told you I didn't delete him!)

Ticky: "It's all so confusing and scary.  Why do we have to shower and pee in the bedroom now?  What are those mysterious sounds coming from behind the wall of what used to be the bathroom?  What is Moonbeam up to?"
Vivacia: "Do you mind crying somewhere else?"

Tyrell: "I'm sorry.  Oh god, I'm so sorry, Moonbeam.  Whatever I did, I take it back!  Just let me out!"

Ticky: I can't stand the crying!  Why doesn't Moonbeam let him out? *feels terribly helpless and is way too nice for goings on such as this*

Apparently, Ticky is into sports.  Who would have guessed?

Moonbeam: "Gah!  Nobody said it would hurt this much!"

It's a boy!  Meet Jake.  Ticky's hair, eyes, and possibly skintone (or close enough to her skintone color that it's barely different at all).
Ticky: *sigh* Oh great, another mouth...
Moonbeam: "Huh.  How exactly do two X's make a Y chromosome, do you think?"
Note: When I downloaded Ticky, I re-binned her hair as blonde.  She strikes me more as an albino type sim, and I figured her hair in that case would be super pale blonde and not custom.

Ticky: "Did you have to sell my hot tub and potted palm to buy baby stuff?"
Moonbeam: "Aww, don't listen to her, Jake.  Neither of your mommys would ever want you to go without a crib really... she spent too much time in that hot tub anyway."

Oooh, look Ticky!  It's your carpool!  Gonna go to work?
Ticky: "Maybe after I make the bed.  I can't stand to leave the covers all rumpled...."
Uhh, you really don't have time to make the bed....
Ticky: *makes bed anyway and misses work again!*

Ticky: "Missed work.... gonna get fired..... Moonbeam's gonna lock me in the bathroom....."
I told you so.  And she would never do that.  I promise.  She loves you!

Therapist: "Alrighty, damn but you're easy to hypnotize!  Heh, act like a monkey...."
Ticky: *throws faeces*
Therapist: "Uhh, okay, maybe not.  Stop being a monkey now!"
Ticky: *doesn't*

Ticky: "Well, it's not grilled cheese, but at least it has cheese in it...."
Don't eat it!
Ticky: "There sure are a lot of flies around it, though.  Moonbeam's cooking could use some work..."
It was fine when she made it for your dinner last night!

Tyrell is right on schedule to that early grave Moonbeam has planned for him...

Ticky: "I bet you're hungry, huh Jake?"

Ticky: "Awww, he really is cute!  Way better than my hot tub was, even!"
Aww, I knew you'd warm to him eventually...

Ticky: "You just stay here and you can watch mommy make her famous grilled cheese sandwiches, okay?"
Jake: Damnit!

Moonbeam: "What are you doing on the floor?  Ticky, surely you could have put him in his crib before you made lunch!"
Ticky: *ignores*

Ticky has friends!
Kathleen: "I just know we're gonna be BFFs for life!  Here, have a kickass flatscreen tv.  I don't need it."
Ticky: "Oooh, that's so generous!  Thanks!  I can't wait to watch the cooking channel on this thing!"
Moonbeam: *sells it on Ebay against Ticky's wishes*

Grim: "Huh.  That's funny, I didn't have you scheduled at all.  Curse that new assistant of mine!"

Ticky: *just got fired* "Oh well, if they don't believe in maternity leave they can go to hell."
Uhh, maternity leave is only for the one who actually gives birth, Ticky.  You fail as a breadwinner!

Ticky: "Don't talk about bread!  I'm so freakin' hungry!  Why doesn't Moonbeam make me some grilled cheese?  Where is she anyway?"

Moonbeam: *is out being a breadwinner*
Ticky: "There she is!  Moonbeam, I'm hungry!"

Kathleen: "So, I saw you have an obscene amount of video game equipment.  We should totally have an SSX tournament later on..."
Moonbeam: "Totally!  Oooh, I can see why Ticky likes you so much..."

Moonbeam: "Baby.... are you awake....?"
Ticky: *snore*
Moonbeam: "..... I'm sorry you got fired..."

Ticky: "Ugh!  He just keeps screaming and screaming no matter how many bottles I give him!  And what is that awful smell?"

Ticky: "Hello?  Screaming, stinky babies are no fun at all!"

Ticky: "I'm putting him back in his crib.  He's crying from sleepiness - must be!  Can't be anything else..."
Moonbeam: "Make sure you change him before you put him down, please."
Ticky: "Eww, no way!  The smell is too bad for me to even take my hand from my nose.  I can't change him one handed.  You do it."
Moonbeam: *sigh* "Fine!" *pauses game*

Moonbeam: "There you go.  All better.  Your other mommy will eventually get the hang of things, I'm sure.  Until then, you and me can muddle through, right?"

Ticky: *takes up residence at the poker table now that there's money in the bank again*

This is Moonbeam's milk drinking face.  I laughed so hard I almost cried!

Oh, squee!  It's Star Marcossi by Prosthetics!
Moonbeam: "Are you taking the spotlight away from me?"
Of course not.  You're paranoid!

Only grilled cheese can make Ticky smile like that!  Let the grilled cheese orgy commence!

Ticky: "I'm gonna eat all this grilled cheese.  First this one, and then you two are next!"

Moonbeam doesn't hate everyone.  She and Nixy have become very close friends.
Moonbeam: Tickling is serious business....

I decided to use Ticky's one command for the lifestage to get her another job.  She rolled a 5, and had to take a job in the repairman career.  The worst job on offer that day.  She passed up high paying jobs in illustrious careers like the business career to take this job.  Let's see if she can keep it!

Moonbeam: "Make a wish, Jake!"
Star: *parties like it's 1999*
Nixy: *watches politely*

Moonbeam: "Why did you not bring out the noisemakers and celebrate my son's birthday properly?  Get over here and explain yourself right now!"
Nixy: *sigh*
Moonbeam's friendship is a very tiring thing, I think.  I love her, but I'm glad she's not my friend in real life.
Jake: *watches the fish 24/7*

Aww!  Two peas in a pod!

Moonbeam and Ticky celebrated Jake's birthday privately later that night...

Jake: "Mommy?  Fish!"
Moonbeam: "Oh, you want the fish story, huh?  Okay...." *pulls the fish book out for the millionth time and wishes she could burn it*

Moonbeam celebrated the liberation of the bathroom (after some hefty fumigation) by purchasing a bathtub.  The perfect place to unwind, what with Ticky's weird fountain thing in the background.  Pure luxury!

Jake: "Change me!" *throws bottle at camera*

Jake: *is too cute for words, even if he seems to be a clone of Ticky*

Moonbeam: "You're not eating....?"
Ticky: "If it doesn't have cheese, I'm not interested."

Ticky: "Well, carpool's here.  I'm off to work.  Wish me luck?"
Moonbeam: "Good luck."  Damnit, I am so sick of grilled cheese!  *secretly fumes*

Long live the purple brigade!  I swear, these girls seek each other out!

Nixy: "Hey, come out here and hang out with me..... Star......?"
Star: *noms on chocolate pudding (which is clearly chocolate mousse) instead*

Star is already staking a claim on Jake's affections.  I think she wants in to this legacy!  She never visits the Fennells.

It's Millicent Hodges by Pooklet!  I have literally never seen her and she's been in my game for months, so I got really excited.

Jake's second love (after fish) is his little toy truck.  He actually gained a bunch of mechanical points (I have no idea how many, since I'm not allowed to look and I didn't keep count....) during his toddler years.  At least he learned something!

Much deserved rest after a long day's work for almost no pay.  Poor Ticky.

.... at least there's no snow.... But Jake is definitely bringing my pass outs count up!

Ticky: "Poor Jake.  I'm putting him in his crib!  He must be exhausted."
Uhh, actually he literally just woke up from his outdoor nap.  Ticky likes to throw Jake in his crib at every opportunity.  I have no idea why.

Maybe just so she can have more alone time with Moonbeam....
Moonbeam: "You going to work today, sweetie?"
Ticky: "Of course.  But I'll miss you...."

Moonbeam loves Jake so much!  She always has time for him.  She's not big on teaching toddler skills, but she loves to give him lots of hugs.

Are you sure you know what you're doing, Moonbeam?  You're not exactly the poker princess that Ticky is.
Moonbeam: "It'll be fine.  I learned from the best, didn't I?" *loses $10*

The Marcossis really like to hang out at the Frost house.  Anneliese showed up to enjoy the daily poker game!

Aww, maybe next week will be better.  I doubt it, but it's possible.
Ticky: "Yeah.  Maybe it will.  At least I'm win at my new job, right?"

Moonbeam: "C'mon, sweetie, just pet him.  He's really friendly!"
Ticky: "I don't know.... he looks like he bites...."

Moonbeam, wanting 50 dream dates during her lifetime, decided to make time for date nights with Ticky.  At least on weekends when Ticky doesn't have to be up for work the next morning..

Ticky: "Uhh, a little privacy would be nice..."
Okay, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone.  Make babies!

Jake: "Wanna sleep!  Hello?"
Kathleen: "Do you think we should do something about that?"
Anneliese: "Shhh!  I'm on a winning streak!"
She totally is.  Look at all those chips next to her!

More parenting fail.

Ticky: "Oh no!  I'm a terrible mother!  I should never have taken that post coital nap.  What if social services comes?"

Ticky had fun on date night!

Jake: "Wanna watch the fishies with me?"

Ticky has discovered the bathtub.  At least she's finding a way to relax.

I have no idea why Ticky never plays video games with Moonbeam.  She can't keep her hands off the remote controlled car though....

Moonbeam: *has another bun in the oven*

Moonbeam: "Why do you hav to call me your little grilled cheese sandwich in bed, Ticky?  It's... kinda weird"
Ticky: "Pfft!  There's no greater compliment than grilled cheese!" *is sort of offended*

Jake: "Hey, mom, wanna hear something shocking.....?"
Moonbeam: "Heh, you can't fool me, buddy.  I invented that prank."
I used Jake's one command to grow him up almost 24 hours early.  Finally, a little self sufficience.

Jake: *bes scared by Tyrell's ghost*
Moonbeam: "Ooh, I hope he scares me soon.  That'll be awesome!"
Tyrell: *wanders off to scare Ticky instead*

He is frighteningly hard to see amongst the house's color scheme.

.... except when he's in the bathroom.
Tyrell: "Being a ghost looks good on me!"

These two are already best friends.  Actually, Ticky's best friends with Jake too.  They're a very close knit family unit.

Jake has completely taken over the computer.  He spent a solid 8 hours on it at one point.
Ticky: *makes more grilled cheese*

Gaww!  I love him so much!

Moonbeam: "Yeah, yeah.  I love him too, but does he have to sleep in my bed?  That's Ticky's place!"

Another date night.  Or date afternoon/evening, in this case.  These two are so gorgeous together.  I love how they seek each other out!

Moonbeam: *has baby bump*

Ticky: "What's it like being pregnant?"
Moonbeam: "Hmm, well for one thing, it makes grilled cheese taste better..."
Ticky: "Really?  Omg, I must try this right away!"

Ticky: "Hurry up and impregnate me!  I must taste the difference in grilled cheese as soon as possible!"
Moonbeam: Sucker! *impregnates TIcky*

Ticky: "About that guy in the bathroom......"
Moonbeam: "Yeah?"
Ticky: "Why did you kill him?  That really scared me...."
Moonbeam: "What?  I didn't kill that guy, Ticky.  It was just a prank.  To scare him.  You know me!  I love pranks!   There's a bathroom window, you know.  It locks from he inside.  You know that.  He could have crawled out any time he wanted.  I'm pretty sure he killed himself or something.  It's awful, I know, but how could you think that I would kill someone?"
Ticky: "Omg, I feel so silly!  I feel so much better now.  God, I'm sorry.  I pretty much just accused you of murder!"
Moonbeam: "Don't worry about it." *giggle*
Ticky: *gropes* "I love you!"

Moonbeam: *does her famous vampire impression for Jake* "Bleh!"
Jake: Eep!  Mom's huge!  I hope she doesn't fall on me!

Ticky: "How am I supposed to make love to my wife while my son is in the bed?  What the hell?"
Jake: "Fine.  I get it.  You don't want me to sleep here.  I'm going.  Geez!"

Tune in next time for more babies!  And more than likely, some more fail with Ticky being pregnant and uncontrollable.

Torch Holders - 1/10
Abductions - 0
Accidental Deaths - 0
Fights - 0
Fires - 0
Pass Outs - 3
Permaplat Sims - 0
Repo Man Visits - 0
Self Wettings - 1
Shrink Visits - 1
Social Bunny Visits - 0
Social Worker Visits - 0

Ticky Telling belongs to Pooklet.
Kathleen is the selfsim of and belongs to leenyland .
Nixy is the selfsim of and belongs to Nixy.
Star Marcossi belongs to Prosthetics.
Millicent Hodges belongs to Pooklet.
Flannery Lundgren belongs to jesstheex .
Anneliese Marcossi belongs to Prosthetics.

isbi, legacies, challenges

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