Josie & Will 1.0

Feb 21, 2010 00:32

Here it is - the first chapter of Josie's life outside the nest!  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed playing it.  I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed myself in this play session, actually.  I think the growing of my neighbourhood coupled with gameplay challenges I've never really attempted before made all the difference!

Here's Josie, all moved in to her new home.  It's not much to look at from the bathroom, but that's definitely the most run-down part of the house.  I built Josie a slightly Victorian themed home, not as large as Amelie's, but not cramped, which I thought she would enjoy.  I should also point out now that in this challenge, until there is a college, any student who graduates high school with a grade of A+ receives a $50,000 bonus to their starter cash upon moving out of their parents' home.  Any lower grade and they receive nothing.  Them's the breaks.  Good thing Josie studied...

First things first.  Josie invites her high school sweetheart Will over.  It's most definitely the time for romance.  Amelie wants to see this girl married ASAP!
Josie: "Can you possibly tear yourself away from the ballet barre for a moment, Will?  I want to ask you something..."

Josie: "So what do you think....?"
Will: "Oooh, shiny!"
Josie: "I'll take that as a yes!"

And without further ado, Will married Josie and she became Josie Harris.  A much more romantic setting for a wedding than Josie's parents' nuptials.

Josie: "I'm glad we waited, but let's not wait another second, okay?"
Try For Baby Attempt #1 - Success!
Note: I am allowing these two to spawn just once.  No time for a household full of children when there are businesses to be run!

And it's most definitely time for Will's stats!  He did have a job in the athletic career but as it's not unlocked yet, he immediately had to quit.  And oh, yes.... he has green eyes!  Other than that...
Personality = Gemini 4, 7, 8, 3, 3 (Hooray!  Not another Libra!)
Aspiration = Fortune/Knowledge
LTW = Own 5 Top-Level Businesses (I'm totally counting the 5 between him and Josie - I have no idea if that'll count, but I'm not doing 10 in one household - if they get 5 between them I'll permaplat them both and consider it done!)
Turn Ons = Hats + Jewellery
Turn Off = Creative
Cooking Points = 2
Mechanical Points = 2
Charisma Points = 2
Body Points = 6
Logic Points = 3
Creativity Points = 6
Cleaning Points = 1
One True Hobby = Sports
Increased Family Funds By $9000
Nothing in inventory, and only two friends, but the simoleons are what I really wanted anyway!

Creepy Doll: "I don't like it here!  There's nobody to play with!"
There will be.  Just you wait, Creepy Doll...

As a test of her mothering skills, Josie decided to adopt a poor homeless puppy.  This is Jewel - I didn't get many pictures of her as a puppy, but all puppies look identical anyway...
Will is awesome at piano!

And Josie.... is slowly and painfully teaching herself....

Josie: *pop!* "Oh my, this is so unexpected!  I didn't have a single bout of morning sickness or anything..."

Since Josie is in delicate condition, Will gets to enjoy ownership of the first business.  I said a long time ago that Josie's first business would be a furniture store, and I stuck to it.  I built Harris' New & Used Furniture, a family-owned local business you can trust.  I may be doing a lot of things wrong, but I haven't even tried to run a business since maybe a week after OFB was released, so any tips are always helpful..... Uhh... what are you doing, Will?
Will: "Keeping a lookout for my first customer, of course." *shifts eyes guiltily*

Will, it's your first customer - go sell him a few chairs!

Reporter: "Oh, I'm not actually here to spend money, but I'm certainly impressed with your store.  Have a Best of Business award!"
Will: "Sweet!"
This was the best thing that could have happened.  An award on the first day of business.  Win!


Spring thunderstorms = not so win...

While Will was out making money, Josie spent her day organizing a corner of the bedroom to be a nursery for the upcoming arrival.

Will: "You look absolutely radiant, Josie!  I can't believe you're going to be the mother of my child...."
Will is win!

Did... you just fart in Will's face while he's eating, Josie?  That's disgusting...
Josie: "Naww, he thinks it's funny!"

Back to work for Will!
Will: "I can see you're a man who knows his plaid, and I'm telling you, this bed is just perfect for you!"
Awkward Overalls Guy: "Hrm, I do need a bed, it's true...." *buys it!*

Will: "And this one over here... it totally matches your shirt!  It'd be a shame not to buy it as well..."
Awkward Overalls Guy: "You're so right!" *buys it!*

Random Townie: "Come on!  What's the hold up?"
Will: "I'm very sorry, Ma'am.  I'm still getting the hang of this thing.."

Will: *just learned to hard sell* "Come on, just imagine how stuck you'd be if you suddenly found yourself with a baby and had nowhere to change it's diaper.  You'd have dirty diapers all over the floor, wouldn't you?  It could happen any day, you realize.  For all you know, you could be pregnant right now and be completely unprepared..."
Townie Girl: "Oh my god!  I never thought of that!" *buys it!*

Speaking of pregnant, guess who just had her second pop?

Will: "Om-nom-nom!  Haven't eaten all day...."
Josie: *snore*

Watch out, Jewel!

Josie: "It's not fair!  Why do I have to stay home and be pregnant while Will is out living my dream?!"
Aww, your time to shine is coming, sweetie....
Josie: "I want it now.... and I am sick of waddling everywhere!"

Amelie!  Please to buy lots of stuff, especially beds!
Amelie: "I can't seem to find what I'm looking for...."
Will: "Can I be of any assistance, dearest mother-in-law?"

Random Townie: "It's nice, but is it really me?"
Will: "Of course it is!"
Amelie: *buys a completely unnecessary highchair*

Will: "I saw you admiring that desk.  You do realize that you still have four school aged children who are currently doing their homework on the floor?  Josie told me just the other day that the one thing she hated about homework was having to sit on the floor to do it..."
Amelie: *guilty* "She did?  Oh my god, I'm a terrible mother!" *buys it!*
Oh, Amelie.  You'll have to buy chairs too at some point....
Amelie: *buys hideous wardrobe instead*

Awkward Overalls Guy: *is a regular and valued customer who always spends a lot of simoleons*

Will: "I see you're also interested in that secondhand desk.  Now, don't let the paint splatters fool you.  It's extremely sturdy and so cheap it would be criminal not to buy it for one of your brood..."
Amelie: *buys it!*

Will: "Find everything you needed?"
Amelie: "Oh yes, thankyou very much."
No you didn't!  You need beds!  Buy beds!

Will: "I just want to make it clear right here and now that I am not cleaning that up!"

Josie: "The pain!  Why did nobody tell me about the pain?"

It's a girl!  Meet Minnie.  Black hair, Amelie's Josie's eyes and a geneticized skintone much darker than either of her parents' - I guess Josie passed on Finn's coloring in the genetic melting pot.

Will: "As soon as I make this thing go, I'll never have to walk to work again!"
That's the spirit!

Josie is already a pro at motherhood - five younger siblings have taught her plenty!

Josie: "Yeah, except I never had to get up to do the midnight feedings before..."

Josie: ".....but she's so cute!"

Josie: *BURP!* "Ahem!  Excuse me..."

Will: "You look like the kind of guy who would throw a mighty fine dinner party!  This table will be sure to impress your guests and make your dinner parties the most popular invitation in town!"
Awkward Overalls Guy: *buys it!*

Uhh, this is a furniture store, not a playground.  Please to jump rope someplace else?

Will: "Omg, Finn!  Just imagine, you, sitting at your very own stylish desk!  You'll look so important and everybody will think you're the most respectable guy in town!"
Finn: *buys it!*
They do not need more desks!

Will: "Go on - spoil yourself!  A pretty girl like you must have a lot of knick-knacks just begging for a sturdy shelf to live on!"
Tiara: *buys it!*

There were plenty of simoleons at this point for Josie to purchase a mini lot and open her first business.  It's a lighting store, which she's cheekily named Let There Be Light!  Finally, the sims of this hood will have the option of electric lighting!

Her business is making money, but so far it's not booming in the way that Will's is.

Josie: "Owww!  My hand!  In the register!  Little help, please?"
Jolie: *distracted*

Ugh!  Buy something or GTFO!

Josie: "You're so pretty, Minnie!  You're gonna be a heartbreaker, I just know it..."

Jewel grew up.  And uhh... I'm not sure what she is!  A slightly mutant dog?  Guess that radiation rubbed off on more than a few of the local townies....

Will: "Admit it... I'm win, aren't I?  And you wish I was your husband, am I right?"
Uhh... only a little bit... but no husband of mine would allow pee to soak in to the carpet like that...

It's Minnie's first birthday!

The amazing abundance of pretty!  I seriously squee'd when I saw her!  And I so love the thought that Josie so loved the pajamas from her own toddlerhood that she saved them for her own daughter...
Personality = Gemini 4, 9, 8, 3, 7
Warning: Random Toddler Spam Throughout Rest Of Entry!

Minnie: "Doll cweeepy.....?"
Creepy Doll: "That's Creepy Doll to you!"

Awwww... Will and Josie are so precious together.  They are one couple that I can't imagine having any infidelity doubts in their relationship....

Jewel: "Got milk...?"
Minnie: "Mine!"

Awwwwwwww!  I think somebody's gonna be the most beautiful girl in the neighbourhood!

I'm relatively sure she has a lot of Will's features.  It's so hard to tell with his hair taking over half his face, but I figure that's how he likes it so I won't change him.

Will: "My favorite part is when they give me their money!"
Shhhh! - they'll hear you!

Will: "So, Jolie... I hear you don't have a bed of your own.  What can I do to convince you to buy this lovely bed right here?"
Jolie: *embarassed* "Is he subtly referring to Finn and me on the sofa?"

1 Business Lot = $8000
Conning The Burgler Out Of Her Simoleons = Priceless!

Minnie: *has her very own chamber pot*

Josie: "You won't regret buying one of these garden lamps - they're the best seller in my entire store and all my customers swear by them!"
Alien Eyed Townie: *buys it!*

Random Townie: "Hrm, it's cute, but is it really me?"

Josie: "Mom!  I'm so glad you came!  Can I interest you in any of these lamps?"
Amelie: *buys the weird triangle one*

Josie: "Are you sure that's all for today?"
Amelie: "Yeah - Sorry, Honey.  I think I need to ease myself back in to electicity, you know?"

Amelie: "After all these years - the lights - so bright - burn my eyes!"

Josie: "Who the heck is this and why did she crawl in to my marital bed beside me for a nap?"
I have no idea...
Josie: "Screw this!  I'm sleeping in the living room!"

Poor Josie - kicked out of bed by a random townie.  I don't even know what happened.  Ever since I installed sleep on community lots random townies have decided beds on home lots are fair game.  I'm still not uninstalling it.  I may need it later.

Will: "I sure enjoy a cold beer after a long hard day at work..."
Jewel: "We all have our guilty pleasures" *om-nom*
Toy: *squeak!*

Will, working on your car despite a blizzard wins you man of the century in my mind!

Creepy Doll: "Get away from that thing and play with me!"
Minnie: "No!  I wuv Jewel!  Go 'way, cweeepy!"

Josie: "So what do you think of my store?"
Random Townie: "It's so shiny!"

I saw that!
Jewel: "Pfft!  I would never pee on the rug!  You've got the wrong dog!"
I totally saw you, you know....

Will: "That vanity is so perfect for you!"
Reporter: "Uhh, on second thought I don't think so..."

Will: "Well what about a handsome table?  Sure to impress!"
Reporter: "I'm sold!  Have another Best Of Business Award!" *buys it!*
I didn't even know that reporters would buy things.  I thought they just gave reviews and never bought anything... Guess I was wrong....

Adorable Townie: "Uhh, help?  Anyone?"
Will: "Right after I ring up this sale, Ma'am.  Please be patient."
Will's business is getting so popular, I think he may need an employee.  What do you think?

Minnie: "Townies mean!"
Awwwww... when townies are mean to toddlers I feel an overwhelming urge to lock them in a room until they starve...

Josie: "I love you so much, Will..."
Will: "I love you too, babe - hold on a sec' - is Minnie eating dog food?"
Josie: "Meh, let her be.  It won't kill her."

Will: *wakes with a start* "I'm awake, I'm awake!  Oh man, I passed out in my dinner, huh?  Do I have pasta sauce in my hair?"
Minnie: *still eating dog food*

No!  A burglar!  She steals the piano, a bathroom shelf and the not-quite-completed car!  Now Josie and Will may never be able to drive!  It was not worth another slot in law enforcement, not at all.

Random Business Stats:
Harris' New & Used Furniture = Level 6
Let There Be Light! = Level 3

Tune in next time to see Dan move in to his first adult home as well.  He'll have to buy all his furniture and lighting from the two stores - that's a rule of my challenge!  Eventually I hope to have them buy everything from stores...

prospocalypse, challenges

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