Feb 26, 2006 21:34
You know what I don’t give a rat’s ass about? The Winter Olympics. I am sick and tired of hearing about Bode Miller and Apollo Whatever-The-Hell-His-Name-Is and all the other crap. WHO CARES? The Winter Olympics suck with the possible exception of hockey and the United States sucks, so the whole thing is a bust. All that is happening is that my favorite shows are showing reruns because they’re afraid that the Olympics will steal their ratings. I don’t see WHY they should because American Idol seems to be winning the ratings game.
Remind me to NEVER be in two choral festivals in the same year. I don’t know how much more I can take of these “musical abortions” before I snap. My kids don’t want to go, I don’t want to go, but we HAVE to go because we’re one of like 3 schools in the area who actually have males in their choir. The other thing that pisses me off is that all of the other teachers are 55 year old women who are EXTREMELY close to retirement who pick music that MIGHT have been popular during the Dust Bowl. Dr. Forbes used to talk about how central Illinois is really lacking in choirs. Well, THAT’S the reason. There REALLY needs to be some new blood in this area that can revitalize the choir programs because these old women are killing it. Slowly. No wonder I can barely get anyone to stay in choir.
Despite my tone, things are going pretty well, teaching wise. I will probably be on pins and needles until the middle school Solo & Ensemble competition are over. It’s a lose/lose scenario: the talented kids won’t practice, so they’re way behind where they should be and the non-talented kids are practicing their hearts out and it doesn’t matter. Well, like I tell them every day, I can only do so much for them. THEY have to do the work…I can only help with the technique, I can’t memorize for them.
As far as the high school is going, well, let’s just say that I’ll be glad when the Macon County Festival is over (if you couldn’t tell already). The Jazz Choir performed extremely well at the Millikin Vocal Jazz Festival. I was so proud of them. They’d really worked their butts off and the results were there. I was also really proud of Tuscola’s Honor Choir. I didn’t think it was possible, but they’re even better than last year. Gives me hope for what I might someday get to direct…
Well, I’m done updating. Until we meet again.